Pandorum - What didn't you like? POSSIBLE SPOILERS


Sr Member
Albeit a bit sophomoric in it's use of violence and shock to scare you... I was quite pleased with the overall story line and how it played out. I know I didn't expect it to end the way that it did.

I didn't like the size of some of the sets as I can't see building ships that would have such large open spaces. For instance the scene where the power surged and the sleep pod opened only to have the sleeper pounced upon by the Hunters... that "compartment" looked cavernous. Also, if Payton was part of the original flight crew, how did he get into the section for Crew 5 as it seems that each crew was segregated until it was time for their shift.

So, was it Pandorum or the bends? :confused
Regarding the cavernous feel of the pod section, I can only assume that some of the pods were retracted into the floor or something. Or they just did it that way to make it obvious they were on a really really big ship.

It was Pandorum, not the bends. The bends only affects you if you are underpressure and the pressure changes too quickly. It will kill you. Yes part of the ship was underwater but the ship was pressurized the same throughout.

As far as how he got from section to section, I assume he just used codes to get through the doors. Each crew was supposed to bring the next crew up to speed when they awoke. My impression was that he went crazy and started killing or experimenting on the crew and passangers. He would just go from crew to crew and wake a few up at a time to play with them as he got bored.
spoilers follow obviously including one that's a big one...

Yeah, I assumed what Sycor pointed out - that he set it up so that he "woke up" with presumably multiple 'generations' of crew. It's been a month or two since I watched it via Netflix... If I remember right, I just assumed the ship had artificial gravity which is why there wasn't a problem with "up and down" since the ship wasn't exactly in a correct orientation on the planet.

The movie wasn't "bad" really... though it didn't really excite me much either. I did like the surprise discovery as to their being on the planet though.
I haven't seen it but I've planned on it and read up on it since it's by the director of Mortal Kombat and of the Resident Evil movies. I think it has the same producer too. Say what you will about the director's movies they're always entertaining, especially if he's written them, even if not the best. His work on Event Horizon is still good. I think this movie has a bit of that Event Horizon feel from the looks of it.
I went into this film (read: streamed it on Netflix) with low expectations- and was very surprised. I'd actually call this a good movie- far better than Event Horizon. (I do tend to enjoy the Resident Evil films, although I'm not sure I'd call them good...)
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of horror movies, but I quite liked that one. The twist at the end was fresh, and Antje Traue was awesome:

Yeah, it was totally believable that a botanist or whatever she was would make such a total bad-ass.
I like sci-fi and I like some horror. I am not much for gore. Alien seems to be the perfect mix. While I LOVED Pandorum, I felt like it leaned just the slightest bit too much into the gore/horror area.
Yeah, it was totally believable that a botanist or whatever she was would make such a total bad-ass.

Do you REALLY go see a movie about amnesiac space zombies in the future and sift the narrative for believability? Because Hugh Jackman doesn't really have claws that come out of an unbreakable metal bonded to his skeleton that somehow doesn't interfere with white blood cell production, FYI.
A little trivia: Costume Designer Ivana Milos won the German Movieaward 2011 for a TV movie that was shown today.

Now carry on with the regular program...
Do you REALLY go see a movie about amnesiac space zombies in the future and sift the narrative for believability? Because Hugh Jackman doesn't really have claws that come out of an unbreakable metal bonded to his skeleton that somehow doesn't interfere with white blood cell production, FYI.

It takes me out of the movie. :)

I thought P started out strong and kinda went downhill.
It takes me out of the movie. :)

That's cool; but it's called "suspension of disbelief" for a reason.

I dunno; Carrie Fisher's crazy half-English accent readings go in-and-out in STAR WARS and I can turn a blind eye. I don't really accept that a Secret Service agent is going to look like Rene Russo much less be attracted to beef-jerky Clint Eastwood. One could go on and on throughout the history of TV and cinema.

You personally can get taken out of the movie, sure. But that's the stuff everyone else is going to the movie to see.
I really enjoyed this film. It had a premise I [personally] hadn't seen before, I liked the look, the feel, & the zomg twist ending. Guess it helped that I had REALLY low expectations going in.

Though I was a little 'meh' about Dennis Quaid being cast in that role. I think a less well-known actor could've done a better job, & I wouldn't have been thinking: "Oh, there's Dennis Quaid, the guy I'm rarely impressed with", every time they showed him.

Anyway, :thumbsup :thumbsup from me.
I really enjoyed this movie, perhaps surprisingly. Like Art, I'm not big on the blood and gore aspect of most movies these days, but for some reason, it didn't phase me as much with Pandorum.
Yeah, it was totally believable that a botanist or whatever she was would make such a total bad-ass.
I don't know, dude. I know a small-ish, mild-mannered man, who is the manager over the "telephone guys" at work (I don't know what their actual titles are), who is a total bad-ass. So is his wife. <insert something about not judging books by their cover here>

I was kinda bummed by the ending. Full spoilers here.

When they opened the viewing panel/window thing and it was totally black my first though was "Oh **** this crazy guy piloted the ship beyond the galactic plane and into the nothing between galaxies!"
Then there was a fish. I was really let down. :lol
The only thing I dislike about it is that 'no-one' knows about it or thinks it's awesome. :) I wish it had been advertised more tbh. It is probably also one of Quaids best (and most interesting) performances in many years. And the casting is great imo. :) But I'm an on and off Paul Anderson fan. he either makes s**t or magic...
It does have similarities with Event Horizon (not surprising) , which I strangely enough also like alot, even if EH is even less of a real Sci-Fi movie. (too mush obvious horror in the set designs )