Sr Member
Hello everyone,
This is a follow up to the “Doctor Who at the PA Ren Faire” thread ( http://www.therpf.com/f24/doctor-who-pa-ren-faire-127267/ )which had sparked interest in a Time Traveler’s or Doctor Who meet up in costume. Bootlegger137 and I have been kicking around ideas for the group and while we would like to try to meet up sooner than February it’s looking a lot like these are our February options. Both in Maryland.
First we were thinking of FARPOINT - February 2012 - Baltimore Fandom's Family Reunion The pros here is that it may have events or dealers rooms more geared towards our interests. But it seemed like a good place to meet up in costume and get some nice shots.
That said, it has also come to our attention Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Japan's historic gift of Cherry Blossoms to Washington may be an event more suited to our particular costuming interests. The pros here is we know of two other Doctor Who groups that will be there and the venue looks perfect for taking shots of the group. The one Who group already going is wanting to do a massive group shot of everyone so that could be fun as well.
The cons is that it is mainly an anime event, but as you can see in this video, the venue is spectacular and if you pay attention to 0:22 you can see a Who group in there as well.
Now, we are willing to go to either event, I believe they are the same weekend, but so far the kastsucon is looking more attractive. However we wanted to put it to a vote and see what everyone else thought. So please feel free to let us know and remember other events are welcome as suggestions as well.
-Brian aka Terrasolo
This is a follow up to the “Doctor Who at the PA Ren Faire” thread ( http://www.therpf.com/f24/doctor-who-pa-ren-faire-127267/ )which had sparked interest in a Time Traveler’s or Doctor Who meet up in costume. Bootlegger137 and I have been kicking around ideas for the group and while we would like to try to meet up sooner than February it’s looking a lot like these are our February options. Both in Maryland.
First we were thinking of FARPOINT - February 2012 - Baltimore Fandom's Family Reunion The pros here is that it may have events or dealers rooms more geared towards our interests. But it seemed like a good place to meet up in costume and get some nice shots.
That said, it has also come to our attention Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Japan's historic gift of Cherry Blossoms to Washington may be an event more suited to our particular costuming interests. The pros here is we know of two other Doctor Who groups that will be there and the venue looks perfect for taking shots of the group. The one Who group already going is wanting to do a massive group shot of everyone so that could be fun as well.
The cons is that it is mainly an anime event, but as you can see in this video, the venue is spectacular and if you pay attention to 0:22 you can see a Who group in there as well.
Now, we are willing to go to either event, I believe they are the same weekend, but so far the kastsucon is looking more attractive. However we wanted to put it to a vote and see what everyone else thought. So please feel free to let us know and remember other events are welcome as suggestions as well.
-Brian aka Terrasolo