Original Sith costume


Active Member
I wonder how this'll be looked upon on these forums, but this thread'll be about an original/costum Sith costume, from the very start, to the very end. See it as life-sized fan-art ;) Here are the (very) humble beginings:


And the 'sketch' of a few of the things I'll want to do:

Now, the reason I've started this thread, is basically this:

Does anyone happen to know a (web)store where I can get buckles (exactly) like that?
Looking good so far. I have always wanted to make a custom sith cosplay, but never gotten around to it. Are you planning on getting a cloak and sith contact lenses?
Those are called Cobra buckles, the one in your picture looks a lot like the ones on the Savvy Sniper slings. Hope this helps.
exactly...not that I'm aware of.
However, it does look a lot like a cobra belt buckle, which you can purchase at various tactical shops online.

Also, I found a dog collar buckle that looks almost like the buckle in the photo.
Looks like you're right on the money! Looking around, I do believe that armour I'm wearing is equipped with Cobra buckles :) Thanks for the help! Where exactly did you find the dog collar?

Nice costume so far

Looking good so far. I have always wanted to make a custom sith cosplay, but never gotten around to it. Are you planning on getting a cloak and sith contact lenses?
I'll definitely go for contact lenses, but I'm not sure about a cloak. Cloaks are rather impractical for combat and whatnot, and I like my costumes to be practical ;)

Those are called Cobra buckles, the one in your picture looks a lot like the ones on the Savvy Sniper slings. Hope this helps.
That does help :) Now the challenge'll be to track a cheap option down to get a few of these buckles by themselves. For the current options I've found, it'd be cheaper if I bought a second armour vest and sourced them from the second one ;)
thats baddass!!!! love it!
Thanks, ser :D Looking like a badass is obviously mandatory for every Emperor-loving Sith ;)

In the mean time, I've had some thoughts. On the belt I'll add to the costume, I'll hang at the very least three gadgets, to represent three technologies: a comlink (which should be easily detachable), a scanner (forewarned is foretold) and a personal energy shield (even with the Force, more protection is better). I already have something for the last one on this list, the others will come in time.
Nice looking Sith. I wouldn't use a cloack, as you said its impractical in combat.


just a sidenote: could it be possible I've seen you at Lands in exile a few years ago?
I remember the pyromancer. I was the elderly goblin servant of the "burggraaf" who got sacrificed. later we (the same group where there as a mercenarie group,

again, nice Sith costume

So, yes, the costume itself...What I've always liked about Star Wars Episodes 4 through 6, is that so many props used in those movies were ordinary items treated in extraordinary ways. Clever combinations and paint worked magic. That line of thought has inspired me in my makings far beyond this costume. And naturally, that kind of magic needs to happen for this costume as well.

So, behold, the start of the first gadget:

It's a two parter right now; the translucent item and the antenna. I'm planning to have this be my Darth's comm link, so I'll decidedly add some greeble.
Thanks! And yes, I'm thinking of two names; Darth Azkarra or Darth Bekatu. Leaning towards the first one :)
What's this Sith background story? ... That should help decide his name ... any more progress yet?

Though I often think up a backstory, I haven't done so for this Sith just yet. However, I do have a name; Darth Azkarra. Mostly because I like the sound of the name ;)

As far as progress goes, no, not yet. Made some plans, but at the moment, I lack time and funds :)
Although I'd never use it for a Sith, I made me my first lightsaber handle :D As we can all hopefully agree, it's more fiting for a (Steampunk) Jedi due to it's colours, but I quite like it anyway:






Sorry, I know it's only tangendly related, but I hope it's relevant to interests ;)
Getting back to this costume, continuation on the first gadget, the (probable) forcefield generator:


Added plenty of greeble :) Quite like how this is going. Hopefully I'll soon figure out a way to add it to a belt, then I can get to painting :)