Original Series BSG blaster on "House"?


Sr Member
(Not sure if This should be in OT or here... feel free to move, mods)

Any House fans here? This past Monday's episode (which was SHOCKING, btw) looks like it showed an original series Battlestar Galactica blaster in Kutner's apartment.

I'm trying to fins a screengrab and I'll get a pic up ASAP, but I though some of you TOS BSG fans might want to try to ID the particular blaster used on the show.

I immediately noticed the poster first. Seeing the blaster get such a featured shot (even called out by name!) was even cooler.
I watched that the other night with the missus... She looks at me and says, "Don't you have one of those on your wall?"

I only caught part of the episode, but said in passing to my wife that with all the toy robots and the BSG blaster and mentions of Comic Con, I had concluded that the guy had killed himself after being sniped on eBay for a vintage 3 cell Graflex... :lol
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Life is sad. These are Doctors working on patients everyone else has failed to cure, yet almost always they manage to pull off a cure. So they decide to kill one of our favorite Doctors to add something that'll evoke true emotion and loss from the viewers. Not a technique you'll want to use often, but once in a blue moon it.. centers all the stray threads. ..and lets be honest, we're all glad that it was Kutner and not 13!

Thanks for the spoiler warning guys. :angry
I guess I can delete this episode off my TIVO unseen.

You couldn't talk about the blaster without talkin' plot?
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It happens in the first several minutes. The story is more how they deal with what happens. Almost EVERY major news sourced spoiled it for me :-(. Still a very powerful episode.
I watched that the other night with the missus... She looks at me and says, "Don't you have one of those on your wall?"

I only caught part of the episode, but said in passing to my wife that with all the toy robots and the BSG blaster and mentions of Comic Con, I had concluded that the guy had killed himself after being sniped on eBay for a vintage 3 cell Graflex... :lol

Spoiler :angry
It happens in the first several minutes. The story is more how they deal with what happens. Almost EVERY major news sourced spoiled it for me :-(. Still a very powerful episode.

Who gives a damn when it happens in the episode or that other sources had already spoiled it for you? Obviously, not everybody had been exposed to that information, so it was an incredibly $h!tty and completely unnecessary thing to blurt out in this discussion.
As soon as I saw it, I pointed and shouted, "BattlestarGalacticaOriginalSeriesBlaster!!!!"
My wife pointed at me and shouted, "Geek!"
Who gives a damn when it happens in the episode or that other sources had already spoiled it for you? Obviously, not everybody had been exposed to that information, so it was an incredibly $h!tty and completely unnecessary thing to blurt out in this discussion.

Yeah, I'm sorry, I should have put a "no spoilers" tag up when I created the thread. I was hoping people wouldn't blurt out the events that happened for people who dvr'ed it and haven't watched it yet, as they were pretty major for House fans. :unsure