Original Golden Idol from Raiders here...


Master Member


This is one of two Idol props taken to Kauai, Hawaii for location filming. The exterior scenes filmed there show Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) diving out of the temple entrance, and then forfeiting the Idol to Belloq (played by Paul Freeman), who proudly shows it to the native Hovitos. This version of the prop features static eyes, the brown glass eyes are permanently fixed into the head and do not move. All of the Idol props used in Raiders had brown glass eyes, and at least one mechanical version was built in which the eyes could move left to right. The original intent was for the eyes to follow Indy around the room as he approached the alter, but most of these scenes were cut from the film. The eyes can be seen scanning from side to side for just an instant in the final version of the film.

The Idol is hollow, cast in a thin fibreglass, and was originally gold plated through a vacuum-metalizing process. It shows its age today, there are cracks on the side and much of the original gold has flaked off of the face. The plating is still present around the sides and back.

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of of the idols had eyes that moved I believe. Is this the one? They don't show the back...

edit: oh I see they say that they do not move anymore.
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I think the eyes were supposed to follow Indy around the room but they abandoned that idea - so we only end up seeing this one in the shot of him puring sand out of the bag...
It's interesting that it was made out of fiberglass. I would think that they would have slush cast this in resin for strength...

Also if there were only 2 props with real glass eyes made and this is one of them, then what are these?

This pic was taken at the Lucasfilm Archives in 2005.

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Forgive me for saying so, but I have doubts...

For one thing as of 2007 there was still the "eyes" version of the idol in the archives and it was in perfect condition. Not a sign of wear or age on it.
Sitting beside it was an idol with just the normal golden eyes like we are used to seeing.
This "no eyes" version is what Ford and the stuntmen were running around with I think. And I think a "no eyes" idol can be seen in the film?
There are pics of an Idol with eyes that appears to have a removable head section on the new DVD release of Raiders. It is in excellent condition. This is probably the same one Davy Jones is referring to.

Also if there were only 2 props with real glass eyes made and this is one of them, then what are these?

The text says it's one of two taken to location in Hawaii (not one of only 2 made).
I would guess by that description that this idol never made it back to Lucasfilm after location shooting.