OMG! I just found my Batman Costume from 1974 when I was 5


Sr Member
I was going through some old photos with my wife and came across this. This is the ONLY picture I can find of my Batman costume from when I was 5. My mom made this costume and she did an awesome job with it.
Ha, very cool. Not to mention it's actually a pretty good kids costume. Your mom did a great job!
The patterns and costume are long since gone unfortunately. I wish I still had the costume itself.
Aw man, I remember one Halloween being so jealous when I saw a kid with (what I can recall) a dead on 66 Adam West Batman costume. I felt like a fool in my rubber band masked, flame retardant, pitiful Cooper Batman costume....

It was just last year!!!

Seriously, I always remembered that night, and make sure my son always has cool costumes every year.

BTW, you weren't from Philadelphia, were you?? I may have to thrash you for mocking me all those years ago.;)
Aw man, I remember one Halloween being so jealous when I saw a kid with (what I can recall) a dead on 66 Adam West Batman costume. I felt like a fool in my rubber band masked, flame retardant, pitiful Cooper Batman costume....

It was just last year!!!

Seriously, I always remembered that night, and make sure my son always has cool costumes every year.

BTW, you weren't from Philadelphia, were you?? I may have to thrash you for mocking me all those years ago.;)

Sorry, It wasn't Philidelphia, it was Milpitas, California :lol
That is good for a kid's costume. I recently found pics of me back in the 80s in a homemade Greatest American Hero costume which wasn't all that good lol
Excellent costume! I think there's another Batman in the background, too--

OHMYGOD that kid in the brown hat has a GUN on school property!!! Full lockdown!

:eek :eek :rolleyes
Very nice indeed! Reminds me that my siblings & I always made our own costumes, which may have been slightly (or very!) crude, but they were always better than those store bought ones, and more fun to make.

I made my own Yoda costume one year, paper mached the head myself! My sister volunteered to make the robe, though when we went to the fabric store, they didn't have any plain tan colored burlap that she wanted to use, so she got bright orange! Well, at least I was visible. Probably would've be a good "Yoda Going Hunting" costume!
I'd love to have the wonderwoman that came out when the you fail batman was on the shelves. Classic masks the rubberbands never made it through the day.
LOL, that is great!!! That kid isn't me, but I'm sure he felt just as lame as i did!!
Great picture!