Official Show off your model collection thread!

wolverine solo

Well-Known Member
2 millenium falcons, 4 stardestroyer, x-wing, tie fighters-tie interceptor, several cars, and a bunch of resin and viynl models of godzilla including the big guy which is 4 ft high and 6 feet long, still setting on the kitchen table cause I dont have room in my room, this is great, lets here them everybody, do they have to be just star wars, how about just sci fi cause its to late wih all I said now.
Dude, you have the 4-foot Godzilla?! SWEET!

How much to get you to recast that bad boy?

- Karl
Battleships, warbirds, Trek, Wars, Galactica, Black Hole, tons more. I love models! A few pics:

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NICE lit Enterprise! Did you rig that up yourself, or use some sort of light kit...?

- Karl
Actually that Enterpise has a funny history. I had originally the ST:TMP kit with light set. I had assembled that (at the age of 14) and thought it was pretty good. Then they came out with the STII:TWOK model with no lights but better details on the mold (such as the panel etchings). Well, my ST:TMP model met with disaster...the warp engine broke at the base, and you all know the pain it is to reattach and make even those things! So I ripped out the light kit, bought the ST:TWOK kit, bought a half dozen more grain of wheat bulbs, adapted it to a 9-volt instead of two C's and viola! The only bugger about it is that I had the dilithium crystal dome light up a bright blue and the impulse drives bright red, but the two bulbs croaked! ARGH!

But in my basement, tucked away, is the STV Enterprise with lights and sounds just waiting for the day to come with Kirk has to say "Code 000 destruct 0".
Well most of the model kits that I've built this past 3-4 years have been Gundams...until recently when I built the SMT Probe Droid.
I have about 50 Gundam models, mainly master grades and 2 perfect grades. I'm in the process of building a Macross at the moment. I'll eventually muster up the dough for an SMT ATAT and maybe that APC and Drop Ship they got listed as coming soon.
Nice work LA.

I haven't finished a kit in some time, but here are some finished or close to finished. (I wish I could post more than the same old ones...I guess I have to get crackin.)

Sleepy Hollow

Bates Mansion


USS Constellation

I'm glad this section was added. I've been visiting the RPF for over a year now, but couldn't really post anything on topic, so I kinda just read and drooled alot. Now I can post.

Thanks for the addition.

LA, you mentioned Black Hole... personally I couldn't STAND the movie, but how was that 2-ft Cygnus kit as a model? I see 'em all over ebay.

- Karl
Lord Abaddon wrote:
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Then they came out with the STII:TWOK model with no lights but better details on the mold (such as the panel etchings)</TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><SPAN CLASS=$row_color>

I think thats the first time I've heard anybody saying that the panel etchings are good!! Most people go to great lengths to get the panels smooth (myself included) and would kill for that TMP Ent that you ripped apart for the lights!

Sulu I was going to say the same thing.

Over a year ago I found a "Smoothie" at a local con. for $50.
Someday I'll build it and light it.
Do we get a prize if we can name them all and their scale?
Great collection though! I like the Zeirem 2 figure.

isnt the 3rd from the bottom a gundam? i forget what kinda, but the kit looks familiar.

awesome paintjobs though

I'm not as deep into Japanime as I'd like except mostly Americanized stuff like Star Blazers, Robotech, etc. However I do enjoy it and those models look fantastic!
Sulu - I'm a bit of a nut about details though and the etched panels worked so much better when painting them the alternating colors (which are hard to see in the pic). The smooth one was very, very thin plastic in comparison so the lights didn't work well with it unless you heavily lined the inside.

Phase - I loved the Black Hole actually, but the Cygnus model was a B**CH to paint! I mixed a flourescent orange with Testors model yellow to get that odd orange look the windows had. I think I've broken the antennaes off that damn thing at least a dozen times each!!! I'll try to take some pics of it later on.

Rogues - LOVE the Pyshco house! That looks great ("NORMAN! GET IN HERE NORMAN!"...I love you can see her/him in the window!). The Rancor with drool looks great too!
Here are 2 kits of my kits, ID-4 Attacker and Robin's Redird.

Thanks for looking.


This is just 2 of many kits I have. Thanks for looking.





No, no prize.

The first and 3rd one is an artist interpritation of an anime character called Devilman. The second is Shiranui the Cyber Ninja. Then there is Iria 1/6 scale from the Live action movie Zieram. Next is another artist interpretation of a character called Guyver, the kit is called Failed Guyver.
Finaly is Zeiram from Zeiram 2.

Glad you guys like them.
Hmmm... in the last few years (say, since '9

Luft 46 and the big-ass project:

1/18th Me-262a - still working on it in fits and starts
1/48th Blohm und Voss p.211
1/72nd Focke Wulfe Flitzer
1/72nd BV P.209
1/72nd BV P.215.02
1/72nd BV P.192.01
1/72nd Me 328a and Me 328b

Maschinen Krieger (all 1/20th scale):

Kröte (hybrid kitbash)
BulleHund (kitbash design)
Heuschwrecke (kitbash spider mech)
SAFS (silver leafed)
Fireball SG
Calliope and A8-R8 (currently kitbashing prototype for caster - my first kit!)

SS Star Wars:

TIE Bomber

Also working on a fully lit 22" TOS Enterprise - making resin windows...

Models I have in the closet, ready for assembly:
• about 20 Luft '46 kits - resin from the Czech Republic, mostly
• Capt. Cardboard X-Wing
• Maschinen Krieger (my passion):
2 Krachenvogels
5 Neuspotters
3 Gladiators (resin monsters)
1 BlechMann
2 Raptors
1 Snake Eye
2 Gans
10 Prowlers
2 Gustavs
2 Kröte
3 Jerry
2 Fledermaus
2 Kauz
2 Fireball
1 Raptor (in 1/16th)
1 Gucker
1 Melusine
1 Raccoon

and I also have a gorgeous resin kit of Princess and her yellow bike from Gatchaman - it's a $300 kit I snagged secondhand for $70!!

Never enough time.... groan!
