NuBSG Uniform Rank Devices and Decorations Charts

137th Gebirg

Well-Known Member
Hello, all:

Posted these on other forums but I thought someone may find them useful here. I've been working on two charts containing pics of the rank devices and "dress grays" decorations used throughout the series. Some rank devices are conjectural, as they have not yet been seen on screen. The one conceit I have included is that of the Ensign. In "Dirty Hands" Tyrol puts LTJG
pins on Seelix, even though she is an Ensign. It makes no sense why the devices should be identical, other than the fact that it was a costuming gaffe or they didn't have the budget to make another new set of ranks (Captains and Majors used to be interchangeable early on, as well). And unfortunately, I have no idea behind the meaning of any of the dress decorations. So, without further ado, enjoy! :)
