Nicholas Hammond 70's era Spider-Man (Cheesy as HELL!)


Well-Known Member
Hi folks, here's a few pics of my "Spider-Man" build up based on the old live action series from the 70's starring Nicholas Hammond. It's AWESOME! The kit totally captures the cheezy factor of the show costume. The gloves don't fit quite right. The boots are ZIP-UP vinyl with NO webbing. The webbing from the mask doesn't match to the webbing on the torso. The belt is off-center. There is only ONE web-shooter and it's freakin' HUGE! In other words, it's EVERYTHING that I LOVED about the old series!! I would love to hear some feedback or opinions from my RPF brethren.







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It is quite good, but looks to me like "Japanese Spider-man." Either way it is very cool.

I can see why you'd say that, but the Japanese version of Spider-Man had much "squintier" eyes (there's really no way to say that in a way that doesn't come out sounding wrong. Believe me, I tried to think of one.) Also, the Japanese version had cloth mesh over the eyes where-as the American version had round metal sheilds with holes poked in them so that the wearer could see (later they switched to sunglass lens). The Japanese Spider-Man had a completely different web-shooter (in fact, it wasn't a web-shooter at ALL. It would summon his Spider-robot warrior or some-such). And the Japanese Spider-Man never wore a "Spidey Utility Belt". (On a side note, I always found it hilarious that the American T.V. Spider-Man wore a utility belt that had a big shiney chrome/sliver Spider-Man head as a belt buckle. I mean, Batman had the $$$ to put his logo over everything, but WHY would Peter Parker feel the need to "bling" up his belt with a big belt buckle of his own head?) Here's some pics to illustrate the differences. It's DEFINITELY the American Spidey.

Japanese Spider-Man



American "Nicholas Hammond" Spider-Man



So NOW you know. And as our good friend G.I. Joe says, "Knowing, Is half the battle." GeeeeeeeEyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee Jooooooooeeeeeee!
I love it - where did you get the kit?

I see your point about the belt buckle - but the one thing I do love about the old costume is it looked like Peter himself might have put this thing together after visiting a few shops - in the new movies there is no way Toby could cobble together that work of art he wears - it's TOO perfect.
It may be Cheezy but it was all we had growing up, I have fond memories of the Show...Nicholas Hammond did a good job as Peter.

At least it was Better Than "Captain America", and that's my Favorite Marvel Superhero... but the TV Series was slow and Dull, even the action scenes could have been better even back in the 80's...Hopefully the New Movie will be worthy of the Character...
I love it - where did you get the kit?

I see your point about the belt buckle - but the one thing I do love about the old costume is it looked like Peter himself might have put this thing together after visiting a few shops - in the new movies there is no way Toby could cobble together that work of art he wears - it's TOO perfect.

The ONE thing you love about it?!?!?! It's ALL love right HERE, Baby!!! I really DO love the old 70's costume, cheezyness and all. Ill-fitting, webs mismatching, saggy, wrinkled, stitches pulling, vinyl booties! What's NOT to love! That's the Spider-Man I grew up on and THAT'S the REAL Spider-Man as far as I'm concerned! And there was NO BETTER 70's era, wannabe porn music, guitar/Saxophone riff then the one that they used as the theme song for Spider-Man. I can hear it in my head, even now! If you REALLY want to hear some 70's musical brilliance AND see the BEST Spidey EVAAAARRR! Look at THIS (warning:the music MAY stay in your head for the REST of your life!)

Live Action Spider-Man Intro:
The ONE thing you love about it?!?!?! It's ALL love right HERE, Baby!!! I really DO love the old 70's costume, cheezyness and all. Ill-fitting, webs mismatching, saggy, wrinkled, stitches pulling, vinyl booties! What's NOT to love! That's the Spider-Man I grew up on and THAT'S the REAL Spider-Man as far as I'm concerned! And there was NO BETTER 70's era, wannabe porn music, guitar/Saxophone riff then the one that they used as the theme song for Spider-Man. I can hear it in my head, even now! If you REALLY want to hear some 70's musical brilliance AND see the BEST Spidey EVAAAARRR! Look at THIS (warning:the music MAY stay in your head for the REST of your life!)

Live Action Spider-Man Intro:

Oh don't get me wrong - Hammond is MY Spidey - I grew up and on him and I can watch the Spiderman scenes in that show day and night. I recently found out that Chip Fields - the girl who works at the Daily Bugle - that actress is the mom to Kim Fields - Tuty from the Facts of Life. And sorry - but that intro aint got nothing on this one
That was wicked cool. I'll give you that, but it lacks that mustached, sideburn wearing, bell-bottom pant leg, musk cologne, patchouli oil, incense, beads, Woodstock, VW Van sort of 70's groove that I LOVE so much about the old American version.

It's COOL, but in a different way.
I never really venture into this part of the board, but when i saw the thread title i had to look, great model, ya just gotta love that old 70's webslinger. :thumbsup
Very awesome. I first saw the show in the early 90s when USA had them on as movies during Thanksgiving weekend. You can actually see the 2 movies on youtube still.
"Oh god, now he's taking pictures of it. SIGH..."

Great work! I love the clunky 70's superhero costumes.

Love it! I'm breakin' out my old laserdisc of the classic 70's Spider-man series! Nicholas Hammond was waaaay cool as Spidey.
Oh man, I love this zombie thread. You did a GREAT job rendering this Spiderman in all its weirdo 1970s glory man! The eyes are perfect!