Newly made POTC-1 Jack Sparrow Baldric Buckle


New Member
I have always been a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, and I actually like Jack Sparrow's Baldric in the first movie more than the other two.

I personally owned Toby's POTC-1 baldric, but the buckle was poorly casted (I assume the mold was overly used), and the leather part isn't screen accurate. I also have a POTC-1 baldric buckle made by ACME, however, I feel ACME's buckle is kinda flat, and does not look right somehow. Therefore, I had my own version made by a friend who have been helping my other prop projects for years. The prototype look very nice to me. The center bar on the prototype is actually a disposable chopstick. I will have it cast in brass, and hopefully it will look just right.


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Looks great!! I honestly feel the same way about the first one looking better than the one in the later movies. The second one has a bit of a fantasy/lord of the rings vibe.
I still have to decide for which one I wanna go though...
Good day! if anyone has jacks buckle from the first pirates of the caribbean movie , like the photo on this thread plz let me know thank you !!!
Good day aswell am looking for the the dark brown belt strap to go with the buckle, if anyone knows to make them or could make me one plz let me know thank you !
You are one of the biggest artist in Indy World... now... Pirates of the Caribbean! You are incredible my friend!!!

FANTASTIC work and fantastic person!