Prop building is not something that you just learn overnight, or out of a book. It is a long process of success and failure. Here is my suggestion for starting.
1. Find a movie that you really love.
2. Watch it with the remote in hand and when you see something simple that catches your eyes pause it and examine the prop.
3. Make screen captures of the prop.
4. Try to figure out what they used to make it. Most props are made from off the shelf items, IE the ligthsaber was a camera flash
5. Locate the parts you need.
6. Make it.
I know this is over simplified, but you get the general idea. Just start small and work your way forward. My first prop was a resin cast of a real MPP end cap for people that were making hardware lightsabers.
Also, there are several venues to take. Some people like to do Paper Props, some like resin kits and others are even more psycho, they mill parts from metal and other materials. Your level of accuracy is up to you. You can ask here for advice on what parts were used, best method for replicating and so forth.
Get yourself some RTV and some two part resin. Follow the directions and find a small item that is simple and replicate it. This way you can see if "Resin" is your thing.
I could go on for pages but this is a start. I hope to see you present something here in the future.