Newbie collection: my X - wing photos

Newbie Doobie

Well-Known Member
Here are photos of my first x-wing. This is the first X-wing that I ever built about ten years ago,even though it's missing the greeblies,and correct detailing, I built it right out of the box knowing this as I just wanted one to put together as the internet was still new(no reference pics),and I didn't know much about ebay then,and I bought from it big lots as part of a clearance sale.
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Does anyone else have any pics of their X-wings to share with the rest of the forum? Post your pics here! Thanks! ~ Doobie
Well I'll throw one of my ProShop up here for your thread. This was a paint/weathering excercise for my SS I'm working on now. The markings are of no particular ship.

I'll try to find some pics of some of the ones I've done over the years. Newbie, your pics illustrate that a nice paintjob can save a mediocre kit. You did a great job!
Thank you Vader breath! This was the first one I ever did. My brother had the original one that came out in '78,but he destroyed it after he found out that I wanted one too! Why is still a mystery to me to this very day! I know that the greeblies are missing from this one,and so are the weathering marks,and laser blasts that adorn the ILM model,but I just wanted something that came out of the box unmodified. I have a bad habit of modifying my models. This is something that I've grown out of as I've become older! I wish you would share yours with the rest of the forum! I don't care if they're perfect,or not! You can clearly see that mine is far from it,but it's what I thought this should look like out of the Dagobah swamp!:) That's a great costume you have there! By the way,the Indiana Jones movies are some of my all time favourites! Thanks again! ~ Doobie
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I just love the look of the x wing...its a classic icon of the many do you have then now ND?
I have Four of these. Two built,and two unbuilt. Three of these are the commemerative series in cammo gray,and one original X-wing from 1978 in white.
That is a nice X-wing. I remember I had one of those as a kid, You did a really good job on that one, For me it was a great kit, but then probably there are better ones out now. in 77 when pics and models were so limited after the movie, just having the MATELL X-wing was great, remember the squeaky sound it made with the one little LED on the nose? This looks great here, VERY NICE JOB!
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