New Predator Pics (from "Predators")...Look Quick!

The only thing this movie has going for it is the fact the KNB are doing the Predators. Other than that this looks like total gargage. They even have a dude carrying a mini gun. How original.
I would be interested in knowing what knife that is sticking out of Adrian Brodie's tactical vest.
Are those female predators?

Predator is a great ride... everything since that has sucked.
They look like humans in Predator disguises. Maybe they are infiltrating a Predator camp or something.
Predators huh. Is this like Alien/Aliens? :rolleyes

Wait a minute. This is a ****ing reboot?:angry
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Hmmm hard to tell what we have here- I know one thing - the studio will be pissed these behind the scenes pics leaked out...i wondered what Adrien Brody was up to these days.
I love people talking about how such and such a movie (2, AVP, AVPR) "ruined Predator." It's like saying something ruined Friday the 13th. It's an unstoppable killer, and the dudes we pay to see get killed. That's about all there is to it. NOTHING ELSE NECESSARY. I want cool gear, cool kills, and um...more cool gear. All I worried about in this new one was that they didn't mess with the look of the Predator and didn't go back to the fat AVP preds. Having seen that they've stuck with the Winston look and the Preds aren't all linebackers, I'm content. Looking forward to watching this one a few dozen times!

yeah, I agree with what Cayman said.
It would be like saying the prequels "ruined Star Wars".

Oh wait,
They did.

Yeah, because Star Wars was already great, and the prequels took it down a notch. I love Predator (duh), but jeezus, you hear people talk like the first one was the love child of Die Hard and Lawrence of Arabia. It was a monster hunting and killing a bunch of cliche 80s action dudes, then it didn't kill the last dude. Was it well done? Oh god yes. But it wasn't so great that a few inferior sequels spoil it. I see Predator as the perfect mix of cool sci-fi gizmos and mindless gore. Have some of the sequels done dumb things? Yup. Transforming pyramids...Predalien throat impregnations...Gary Busey....that Colorado cop's hair...but if the sequels have fallen, they didn't have a long way to go. Watch the original with your cynicism goggles turned on. It's corny as hell. Corny good fun, that is.