New Planet of the Apes in the works?

The only thing that would make sense to me is making a far more accurate film adaption of Boulle's original novel now that they have the ability to create that world.

Short of that, another easy decision to not buy a ticket.
Sign James Cameron on, make it 3D, and show it in every format; 2D, 3D, 3D Digital, Imax...:rolleyes
Cameron would have been perfect back in the late 80's/ early ninties - but Cameron is a techno-director, much as Zemeckis. They want to show off something new while telling a story. i say leave it alone. Roddy was so damn good in those early movies it's going to be hard to find an actor these days who can emote such tenderness. Then again you could get Ben Stiller and he wouldn't even need make=up to portray an ape.
POTA has always been a character piece
it needs to stay a character piece

at it's root, it's the story of Taylor
it needs a real director, an actors' director
Ridley Scott maybe... but John McTeirnan better

keep the whiz bang effects at arms length,
cast someone with the screen presence of Heston
remake it following the original screenplay

that thing Tim Burton made... ugh

only this time... when they do the sequels, they can keep Taylor as the main character

and that is how you revive POTA

as for staying truer to the source material
I don't think an audience would readily swallow the whole apes flying planes part... it makes them too sophisticated
The "Apes" film to remake is Escape. Some of the stylistic aspects have dated (music, cinematography, dialogue choices, etc.), but the themes re: the public's double-edged fascination with celebrity are more timely now than ever before.

Escape also has a terrific villain in Dr Hasslein, the 20th century version of Dr. Zaius, whose sole motivation for killing the heroes is a justifiably ruthless desire to save his own species from eventual extinction.

You wouldn't even need to use apes, come to think of it; any intelligent, non-human lifeforms would work. Then again, Escape From the Planet of the Non-human Lifeforms isn't as catchy a title.
i'm a huge fan of apes - probably more than I like Star Wars. There are a few scripts out there - Rod Serling's sequel "Planet of the Men". I heard a rumor - not sure if it's true, that there is a draft of Beneath out there where Brent is successful in his rescue mission and brings Taylor, Nova, Cornelious and Zira on board his ship just as the Alpha and Omega bomb goes off - they are all sent back in time.
I'd love to see more Apes movies. I have no problem with remakes. Remakes have been a part of movie making for more than a hundred years. If anything we've slowed down on how often we remake stories, but we have more stories from which to remake. Good stories deserve to be retold. I say go ahead and retell the stories.

Do I have problems with remakes? Sure! I hate derivative remakes that hone too closely to the original. Remakes like Psycho and The Omen come to mind. I hate it when sequels do it too. Men in Black II and Austin Powers III, I'm looking at you.

I wish they would take advantage of modern film making to create a more rich, detailed world than could have been previously filmed. I wish film makers would take greater chances with remakes. Make them topically themed to current events or grander in scope, scale, or imagination.

With that said, I was really disappointed by Tim Burton's remake even if he did some of the things which I asked for. There are a few elements of the film that I really like, I just think that it fails as a cohesive whole and lacks a strong story especially in light of it's confusing ending.
how about "Planet of the Zombie Apes"?

and before you say no,
consider the other option,
"Planet of the Vampire Apes, Tween Edition".
Well... I think I should probably read the book. The original movie was the best of the series. Burton's version has some of the coolest looking apes ever, but there was a certain charm to the look in the old ones that simply wasn't carried over.

Personally... now that we have two version with sorta "primitive" apes in charge... it'd be interesting to see the original book version turned into a film to see what that would be like. At least it would be a departure from the other movies... and the already attempted remake.

Not as interesting as, "Planet of the Women". :love
Careful... in some not too distant future... that may happen... and you would not wish to be a man then...