Indy Magnoli

Master Member
I've finally made a new catalog site for Magnoli Props (Magnoli Props). I'm still populating the catalog, but everything (including ordering) should work...

Let me know what you think.

Kind regards,
Sensational mate.. I especially like the host of your magnificent Spear on the opening - LOL..

Bookmarked this for sure…

Regards and best

Thanks guys... and thanks Mark! That's Spear shot is still one of my favorite photos!

By the way, any of you guys who have purchased pieces from me in the past, feel free to create an account and start writing some reviews of the various props you have purchased.

Kind regards,
...any of you guys who have purchased pieces from me in the past, feel free to create an account and start writing some reviews of the various props you have purchased.

I'll be sure to do exactly that. For the ESB Vader gloves that I ordered on 29th March 2011, and still awaiting their delivery
Guess I'll have to resist commenting on Delivery Time and Customer Service :unsure

John (waiting patiently)
Nice site. Love your work!!

One thing I did notice, on your Spanish Doubloon description you state it has a date of 1932 on the back. But in the photo is show it to be 1632. Was that a typo in the description or is that a safety measure you are adding to your replicas to ensure it won't be passed off as genuine? Just curious, thanks
... your Spanish Doubloon description you state it has a date of 1932 on the back...

Oops. Typo indeed! I'll go fix that right now.

By the way, the new run of Vader gloves are being started right now. There was a delay due to my old maker crapping out... so we're revamping the glove department. The good news is that the new run of Vader gloves will be a better quality and more accurate. ;)

Kind regards,
Looks snazzy! Are you going to be offering the Time Bandits map as seen on your old indyprops page?
Might I suggest, something that seems right up your ally, Warhammer 40k scripture pieces. People would eat those up
Yes, I'll be adding the Time Bandits map shortly.

Might I suggest, something that seems right up your ally, Warhammer 40k scripture pieces. People would eat those up

Shoot me an e-mail and we can discuss some options.

Kind regards,
Anyone who has not received their Vader gloves will indeed be getting gloves from this new run. And, the longer you've been waiting, the higher you up on that list.