The replica prop form?
:lol :lol :lol
I noticed there were a lot of comic book posts on here and wanted to sign up. I was wondering what therpf stands for. It looks like a cool forum.
:lol :lol :lol
I noticed the comic book posts on here and decided to sign up. I was wondering what the name of the website means. What does therpf stand for?
it also stands for integrity, honesty, friendship...
Truth.... Justice and the Americ... oh wait thats someone else. Replica Prop Forum as previously stated but it also stands for integrity, honesty, friendship and a sense belonging for those of us who dont have like minded folk nearby. Ive made some friends here who I would trust above many others from my life outside these virtual walls.
Its a great place, and those who take advantage of others are swiftly removed.
Enjoy yourself here, its worth the price of admission and more.