New Hasbro Falcon Toy?


Sr Member
I kick myself almost every day for not buying a MR Falcon when Redford had them on sale for $800 around Christmas. I let my wife talk me out of it and I don't know if I will ever forgive myself because I will never spend the $1200+ it would cost me to buy one somewhere else and the prices do not seem to be dropping any lower. With all that being said, what do you guys think about the new Hasbro toy? It looks to be about 36", so the scale seems similar, the details aren't that great, but I think it may have some potential. I am very happy with my Power FX X-wing conversion, it is a decent SS model for the cost/accuracy ratio involved.
It's $400 more and that's what your wife gets for not letting you buy it on sale. Go for the real deal. Life is short.

Wow - $800 - I missed that.

Did MR lose money on the Falcons?
Dag! My wife told me, "Do whatever you want" when the prices dropped on the MR sight so just north of $1,200! I was the one to say "too much". Had I known that Redford was selling @ $800 I'd have one right now.

As for the new toy, it looks awesome. I'm probably going to get one "for the <cough...cough> kid" :)
Redford had them on sale for $800

Oh, ouch.... :unsure

I just had to have the Falcon and the Enterprise and pre-ordered them. Got a decent deal as far as pre-orders go, but if I'd just waited for deals like this I'd have saved a couple thousand dollars. :cry:cry:cry:cry
Any linkage to a decent pic gallery somewhere, gents?

The new Hasbro Falcon measures 32 inches long by 23 inches wide so yes, the overall measurements are the same as the MR Falcon. It's still very innacurate though (but a lot cooler than the original toy).

I know it's off in alot of ways, but I'd love to see someone repaint one of these for accuracy just to see how she'd look. :)

All of these Falcons are cool, the Hasbro version was a favourite growing up & also in later life on the re-release. Space is at a premium these days so its the Code 3 version that has pride of place in my Star Wars collection.