Need help with Panavise mount


Well-Known Member
Hey a few panavise's in. Just not sure how to mount my models to it. Ships like the SS Viper (new and old), Cylon Raider (new and old), Ywing....not sure what to get to connect them to the Panavise. I went to Home Depot and Lowes looking for something to screw onto the Panavise and came up empty handed. Just curious as to what everyone here who uses a Panavise is using.


Well for my X wing, i used a 1/4 thread wood insert, ill try find you a link buddy, but they fit by drilling a 10mm hole in the hull, and then thread in the insert, bingo, screws right on your 'vise!
As for the Y wing, yes, big problem, i had the same conundrum way back due to the large hole, but the way to do it is have a steel 1/4 tapped rod turned TBH, screw it to the 'vise and thatll be super strong!

Word of advise, lock up the Panavise solid for the Y wing, they tend to creep over time!

I have the cylon raider & vipers too.... What I did was I just took off the plastic piece that is used to support the camera.. and put the remaining threaded rod into the space where the previous brass rod was supposed to go..

There's a little hole underneath the cylon raider - and vipers.. you should be able to just put it on.... Here's my panavise on my x-wing..

if you want a more secure fit - I believe Out of Time (damn, I don't know his name here on the RPF) made an x-wing with a threaded part that you could put into the mounting hole - which would allow for a more secure fit onto the panavise mount.... I"ll try and find the link for you..

But my models are pretty secure without that part - I just stuck them on there.. everything is good so far.
I believe Out of Time (damn, I don't know his name here on the RPF) made an x-wing with a threaded part that you could put into the mounting hole - which would allow for a more secure fit onto the panavise mount.... I

Yeah, Bob turned me onto these things as well, and they work great for mounting miniatures to a panavise.



I get mine from a local Mom & Pop hardware store (talk about an endangered species), but I understand Home Depot carries them as well.
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Thanks guys! I went to LOWES last night, but they did not carry that item Carson. After work today I will stop at Home Depot and see what they have.

The YWing is giving me all kinds of headaches...but I will try some of the ideas here.
