Need help with Nosferatu lifesize


Well-Known Member

my next project will be a Nosferatu lifesize. I have some ideas how to build the body but I'm lacking a proper coat. I searched high and low on the internet but I haven't found good looking coat. I'm searching for a slim about knee length coat, similar to this:

NOSFERATU - Lifesize

(that's a fantastic Nosferatu btw...)

It shouldn't be too expensive tho as I'm saving money atm for another project.

Any help greatly appreciated!
That kit is not a very good representation of the frock. As evidenced by this still from the film:

The actual piece is much more flared at the waist. It's a very stylized Regency/Victorian frock coat. Found this piece that is very similar in a quickie search. Its sold out, but they seem to custom make them. OOAK Frock Coat Fully Lined MUST SEE Quality by hauteandheavy
May be worth asking about.

Otherwise you could just pick up a Vic frock from gentlemen's emporium or the like. It will still run you about $230 USD, but that's as cheap as you'll get I'm afraid. Unless you get lucky on eBay.
Here's a budget minded suggestion. If you posed your lifesize like this you could get away with a modified overcoat - just add the extra buttons etc.

Check your local thrift / charity stores and you might find a good close-enough to modify.
ah, that frock coat looks great. It doesn't has to be screen accurate, but should be slim, long and look like it's from the beginning/mid of the 19th century.

is this the same coat btw? it looks grey instead of black...
