Need help with aluminium power / Resin ratio


Sr Member
Hey Guys,

I'm in the throws of making a mold of my X23 claws.
Now i will be ready to make my first resin copy the day after tomorrow. I want them to have an aluminum look, so i bought aluminium filler to add in with my resin.

Now heres the question, they are for display only, so strengh is not too much of a worry, but what ratio of resin to aluminuim power can i use, which will give me that aluminium look...?????

I'm using multi purpose resin and aluminium filler from Tiranti.

Thanks in advance guys

When we use metal powder we simply dust the mould with the powder, empty it out and then pour in a pigmented resin. For aluminium I would add white or light gray pigment to the resin - or even some silver acrylic paint if your resin is light in colour.

Make sure you tip out the powder from the very tip of the blade so that it doesn't fill the void.

Also, make sure that you pour onto a part of the mould where the casting will be taken off.

When you de-mould, you just need to wire wool the casts, but not too much or else you reveal the pigmented resin.

This is a very cost effective method and will make a tin from Tirantis go a long, long way! We still have a tin from 3 years ago!

However you do it, do not expect a gleaming aluminium cast to come out of the mould! It will be a dull gray until you buff and polish it!

I threw my first casting in aluminium resin away as I thought it was crap - turned out it just needed a polish!

as draven said,polishing is the key. I have been able to get near mirror finishes with autoglym metal polish