Need help repairing a MR TOS Tricorder


Sr Member
The motor that runs the moire has stopped- in fact, it was shorting out the other functions until I traced the problem to the motor and disconnected it. I suppose what would be best would be replacing the motor, but I doubt I'd ever be able to find one just like it. Any help is appreciated!

The motor that runs the moire has stopped- in fact, it was shorting out the other functions until I traced the problem to the motor and disconnected it. I suppose what would be best would be replacing the motor, but I doubt I'd ever be able to find one just like it. Any help is appreciated!


i habbve reapaired a number of Mr coms and phasers but no tric.
the moire problem i have found is that they use to much heavy grease in the gearboxes. this will sometimes lock up the motor. this will cause it to draw more power.
have you tried running the motor with the gear box unhooked.
if it does ok clean the gearbox out with solvent and use a little vasoline on the gear. works on comms. and stops the gear noise and moire jumping.
if you think the motor is bad or shorted and cant check it to be sure i
will do it for you.
john :cool

Thanks for the tips! I did try running the motor independantly of the gear box and its still dead. The motor seems to be locked up and therefore sucks a lot of power from the rest of the unit when its activated.

I wonder if there is any hope of getting a 'surplus' motor from somewhere deep in the Master Replicas repair department? I'd probably need an inside source though; isn't there an MR representative that frequents this board?

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i habbve reapaired a number of Mr coms and phasers but no tric.
the moire problem i have found is that they use to much heavy grease in the gearboxes. this will sometimes lock up the motor. this will cause it to draw more power.
have you tried running the motor with the gear box unhooked.
if it does ok clean the gearbox out with solvent and use a little vasoline on the gear. works on comms. and stops the gear noise and moire jumping.
if you think the motor is bad or shorted and cant check it to be sure i
will do it for you.
john :cool
Not to hijack, but the tos comm moire is loud too. Any tips?
Not to hijack, but the tos comm moire is loud too. Any tips?

about the same.the greese they use is way to thick for the slow speed of the plastic worm gear. i also found one of the comm moires was turning the wrong was , this means the worm gear is pushing the round gear instead of pulling it as it should. this made it vibrate more thus more sound.
could be the same on the Rodd's

as for the MR's , Hey , they are made in china, i just report what i have found.:angel

plus green flux covered solder joints , cold joins and even heat shrink tubbing covering unattached wire joints.:rolleyes
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