Need help identifying Lucasfilm sculpture and other items


Active Member
I originally posted this on rebelscum a while back.
Then I found RPF :rolleyes

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :angel

"Supposed" concept sculpture of Anakin, covered with a cloth, after his fight with Obi Wan on the lava planet.
However, if u look closely, Anakins' left hand is not covered by the cloth?! (Wrong hand? Mold negative?)
Yfrog Image :
ImageShack Album - 6 images
There appears to be some writing on the underside of the sculpture, but it is crossed out with a dark pencil and barely legible.
Weight approx. 8 lbs.
Unsure of kind of material it is made from, but it is fairly hard and durable.

And pix of unknown model pieces from ... :confused
ImageShack Album - 27 images
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Re: Need help identifying ILM/Lucasfilm item

Well I have seen similar concept models from Episode III that were made for Lucas' approval for the scenes.Provenance is the real story teller though.Where did this originate?
Re: Need help identifying ILM/Lucasfilm item

No documentation with the item, as it came from a "dumpster diver" when ILM moved from San Rafael to San Francisco.

I believe it to be from ILM, as other items are confirmed to be from there.
Such as...

1) Imageshack - 0222001804a.jpg

2) Yfrog Album

(credit to Kronet from Rebelscum)

and here is the original thread Need help identifying these items. (New pix)
Re: Need help identifying ILM/Lucasfilm item

The JAK design department would've produced that, so ILM is a bit of a misnomer.
I know, right?!
I'm not sure why I never did it myself, as I worked in San Rafael and knew where the address was, before they moved to SF. :wacko
Oh well. :cry

would love to dumpster dive in ILM etc...almost as easy as all those guys stealing those bones from