Need help for female hero costume


Sr Member
Just putting out feelers to see if anyone knows where I might find some pieces that could be sued for a female superhero costume. Anything y'all have would be of interest to me, but specifically, what I'm envisioning (for the chest piece) would be something similar to the Femmetrooper armor I've seen around.

Anyone know where I could find a chest piece like this, or hero-esque gloves and boots for women?


ShackMan has a generic bib that would work. You may also want to check with this guy, He has a chest piece that will work for most girls and even the more endowed women. The xtreme piece you probably wouldn't get before halloween, but from Ed you should get it fairly quickly. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Thanks for the info. I'll check into them both.

Not sure why I didn't post to the costuming forum ... will do that next.

Thanks again!

I once made a pretty cool Barbarella costume for my wife :rolleyesout of a mannequin dummy made from moulded plastic (not fibreglass). I cut out the boobie area, the mid rift and shoulders, and drilled holes around the edges and threaded it all together to make corset-like moulded armour.
Worked a treat, shame it wasnt see-through:love:angel