Need help finding a way to make this head shape

Wes R

Legendary Member

Nearest i can tell is to make the sides flat and build the rounded part as an arch. the angle isn't bad but it's getting the front view right that could be a problem. Any ideas is appreciated. I have more pics of his species if their needed for a better view of the head shape.
Chicken wire covered in paper mache.
Sculpt it in 3D and pep the hell out of that.
Go the foamie route.
Sculpt in clay, make mold, create plaster cast, sharpen and add details, create new mold, cast. Essentially the Muir way.

I don´t think that there are any short cuts with a "costume project" like that one.
lol. I may send the resin version to get a coat of something because I haven't found good silver paint in a long time. I think i can do the front view by cutting the sculpty using a round shape template. once i get that part done curving it for the neck won't be bad. I have to wait for more sculpty and the torso i ordered anyhow.
A few from over the top and behind, looking
down would help if you have one, or something

Thats an awesome subject!:thumbsup
Here's the others. Some are of earlier designs but its the same basic shape.





i wish they'd included some pics of the back more in the art book.
I would make a pattern and vacuum form it,
to do it though it would need to lay flat.
So the pattern would look different than the
final shape you see in the picture. Where the
neck line is you would have to make it straight,
and then once its formed you simply draw your
reference lines and cut the curve for the neck area.:thumbsup
Actually now that you mention it that does look like a fender. I might have to look into that. If nothing else maybe i can make a mold of one or hit the local junkyard up. I have to figure out how wide the head is compared to a human head though.
Actually now that you mention it that does look like a fender. I might have to look into that. If nothing else maybe i can make a mold of one or hit the local junkyard up. I have to figure out how wide the head is compared to a human head though.

Oh wow is this going to be !/! scale?
Forget about the vacuum forming then!:lol
Thought this was going to be a small scale figure.
lol Nope. It's going to be a 1:1 bust lol. I'm slowly working out the details of it. I definitely need more sculpty for this thing.