Need 7 of 9 Borg info


Well-Known Member
What is the piece over 7 of 9,s left eye called and does anyone make a good copy of one.
my wife saw it last night on Voyeger and wants one.:confused

john :cool
I found this on google images.

(Hopefully the image does not get replaced)

I have seen these for sale before, they are sometimes on ebay, but I have seen online stores that have them as well. I believe Rubies also made a Seven of Nine kit, with the Ocular Implant as well as the hand piece(s),
I've got both a solid resin Occular Implant and a couple of rubber ones. Got them from Peter Lukas. If you're interested in one of my rubber copies (they're cast in a black rubber, I never did any finishing on them), drop me a PM John.
