NCR Veteran Ranger- And other Fallout related props.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else is more than welcome to post anything they wish to contribute to my build. I will be adding progression pictures shortly of the costume thus far, and a few things that are in the early stages.
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Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Good luck with the build, Fallout is one of my favorite games and the amount of costumes and props are never ending. My girlfriend is looking to be a Fallout character for an upcoming con, so I'll be watching your build!
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Ya, it was a hard choice before New Vegas, as I wanted to try a power armor. But after seeing how hard it was to build from a friend I decided not to invest that much time into a risk. After some careful consideration, I have decided to go with the Ranger. Actually I think its one of the lesser complex armors out of the series so far.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Anyone have a clue what the pad is on the left arm? I figure it was a prone rifle pad, but I am not sure.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Looking at it on the game box, it looks like an ammo pouch. Awful small though for ammo. You can even see what look like metal clips that would attach it to your belt. I have no clue what the developer intended it to be though. It could even be a wrist computer like a Pipboy, with a cover.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Looking at it on the game box, it looks like an ammo pouch. Awful small though for ammo. You can even see what look like metal clips that would attach it to your belt. I have no clue what the developer intended it to be though. It could even be a wrist computer like a Pipboy, with a cover.
It's a med pack. If you look closer at the game box, you will see the med cross.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Ahh never noticed that before haha. Thanks man. I know what to do now.

My first pictures are that of my Revolver. It is a very rare kit that Ruger made of their single action 6 shooter from the 70's. I was lucky enough to get it from Ebay for $25.
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Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Very nice indeed, I ended up spending about $70 on one of those Denix Spanish replicas.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

I don't know if it would violate any U. S. laws or RPF-forum rules, but Korea is FULL of realistic gun toys and model kits. It wouldn't take much for me to find and ship from here. I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out the legalities though!
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Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

I don't know if it would violate any U. S. laws or RPF-forum rules, but Korea is FULL of realistic gun toys and model kits. It wouldn't take much for me to find and ship from here. I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out the legalities though!
Being in Nevada/Arizona most of the time, we can have guns basically anywhere. The only difference between the states is that Nevada requires a license for a concealed weapon, Arizona doesn't. States like California are just wussies and no longer believe in their 2nd amendment rights.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Being in Nevada/Arizona most of the time, we can have guns basically anywhere. The only difference between the states is that Nevada requires a license for a concealed weapon, Arizona doesn't. States like California are just wussies and no longer believe in their 2nd amendment rights.

I don't think you understand me. I'm talking about weapons for costumes. I'm pretty sure there is a federal ban on realistic-looking toy guns and gun models, due to some unfortunate Halloween incidents in the past. I am American. I know there is a difference in state laws about CCW and firearms. Regardless of state law, I don't think it would be too smart to wear real pistols as part of a costume to go to a convention or Halloween party. I'm not anti-gun in the least, but events like that demand more caution.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

I was offering to source(if possible) toy/model guns for people since Korea has no such ban and the things are everywhere. Shipping 2-3 plastic toy guns from Korea would not be that expensive either. If you look at my Agent 47 thread, the guns in my photos(Realistic 9MM plastic bb guns) cost me a whopping $3/piece, and it would only be another 5-7 USD to ship them.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Ya those airsoft guns are cheap.

Anyway back on topic. I regret that I have lost my SD card with pictures of my Lapd Riot armor rig progress. I can only show the almost finished product. :( This is actually the third attempt at it.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

It looks pretty sweet! my only constructive criticism is that the fist on the left breast is way too large, and that the ring around it is far too thin.

Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Thanks man. Ya I did kinda wonder about that but I am not going for 100% accuracy. A lot of my other items are not even in the world but I want it to look like I am from New Vegas, not pulled strait out of the game. If that makes sense at all.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Thanks man. Ya I did kinda wonder about that but I am not going for 100% accuracy. A lot of my other items are not even in the world but I want it to look like I am from New Vegas, not pulled strait out of the game. If that makes sense at all.

Do what makes you feel good. I have no idea why some members get such a "screen accurate" bee in their bonnet anyway. These are characters that don't exist in real life!

Some things are not physically, let alone financially, possible anyway.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

I do have a pretty screen accurate Boba Fett, but after dealing with that I want a little more creative freedom.