Narins latest sneek....

Lone hunter

New Member
This ones going to be big!!!

why sneak a possible 1:2 P1 when you've haven't finished a 1:3 P2 that you sneaked years ago? Wake us up when something is actually finished.
While I am frustrated that the 1/3 City Hunter was reportedly going to be released before a few of the recent kits and has never materialized, I take a little solace in this sneak peak. I have no love for anything outside of the designs of the first two movies, so at least I can be happy that he isn't working on any of the Super Predators or anything AvP related. I just hope that the P2 is produced, and is in the same scale as this Jungle Hunter.
I have a 1/3 bust wolf from him and I can confirm that that backpack is 1/2.

I always thought that a Predator 1/2 scale in full size would be incredible. It seems Narin goes that way, please Narin make it happen!

Personally, I really cannot blame Narin for anything. I own several of his model kits and they are the most intrincate and detailed pieces you can buy with money. It's a pity he doesn't make kits so assiduously as past years, and left some projects. Finishing the P2 kit 1/3 would be nice, maybe it's halt by the release of the SS' Predator 2 Maquette.
I agree in that he's certainly not the most prolific sculptor, but his work has an edge and attitude that few other sculptors are able to capture... and that's to say nothing about how dynamic his pieces are...