John Hircock
New Member
Hey Boys and Girls
Finally finished the Death Warrior #81 by Narin. This is simply one of the most incredible kits you will find. The level of detail and the amount of work is almost overwelming. Couple of things, I never liked the giant spear the kit came with, it always appeared unbalanced so i decided to scrap the bulky piece and simply attach the blade to the handle. I also forgot to pre-drill for the porkupine quills i had odered off e-bay and ended up going without. I would like to thank Joe Dunaway of Kitbuilders Magazine, his website was a true inspiration and referance tool. Have a Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for looking.
Finally finished the Death Warrior #81 by Narin. This is simply one of the most incredible kits you will find. The level of detail and the amount of work is almost overwelming. Couple of things, I never liked the giant spear the kit came with, it always appeared unbalanced so i decided to scrap the bulky piece and simply attach the blade to the handle. I also forgot to pre-drill for the porkupine quills i had odered off e-bay and ended up going without. I would like to thank Joe Dunaway of Kitbuilders Magazine, his website was a true inspiration and referance tool. Have a Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for looking.