Mystery Prop: White Rifle (M16 based)


Community Founder
Hi all,

Does anyone here recognize this? Any help would be appreciated.


Best regards,
Brandon Alinger
The Prop Store of London
The base m16 is an battery powered toy water gun. I had one of those when I was a kid. The batteries go in the handle - that is why it is so chunky.
Looks sorta familiar, seems to be the Home Depot of moded weapons. The pieces coming out from the mag and in front of the mag attached to the barrell(s) are all from the electrical section. The thing on top for a scope is piece of a lawn sprinkler head.
The cylinder in place of the clip is two round electrical boxes ( the blue kind you can get at home depot ) also the the block that makes up the middle of the gun is two 4gang boxes stuck together end to end. I love it (y)thumbsup:thumbsup
This is from a made for "sci-fi" movie called "star runners" . The guns looked great on camera and the CG looked good too. The costumes were awful and the lighting on the inside shots looked pretty bad. I was just flipping through the channels when I saw this gun, and I had to take grandma to get her key-moe so I didn't get to watch the whole film. The next time It's on I will try to watch the whole thing to see if the writing was good or how the acting was.

If you worked on the props (y)thumbsup:thumbsup they looked great on TV, I hope you made a little money off this.