My Red 5 X-Wing SS model.....


Master Member
Just finished this tonight! :)










Thats actually really nice buddy, i love the softer weathering, pastels?
Its also awesome to see you have not just carbon copied the other builds on the boards, you went your own way, stuck with it, and came out with a very beautiful notch bud!

Thanks fellas, all the painting and weathering was with an airbrush and scratching and scraping with a dental instrument. I did apply a tiny bit of paint with the dental instrument when necessary.

Dave :)
I like the subtle muted coloring. I think it looks much better then when its overly vibrant.

I took a corresponding threaded anchor that I picked up at Lowes or Home Depot. Epoxied it in and also threaded in a really long screw on the inside of the body which carries all the way to right behind the cockpit......this end was also epoxied in place. This gives it support thruout half the body. The anchor face which you screw the panavise into, is countersunk about 1/8" so that I could easily replace the oval detail piece on the rear should I ever want to snap shots of the rear of the Xwing and not want the mount in the way. The detail piece now "pressure fits" inside the opening. I'll bring it along and snap pics so you can see it as well.

Dave :)

Awesome build and paintjob !
It's me or you also painted the panavise mount ? :lol

Anyway you got a great model, kudos !
That Panavise mount is dedicated to my SS painting projects. The shaft is adjustable and works for just about every model you can think of. I assure you this Xwing is attached to a brand new panavise mount . :) I'll shoot pics tomorrow.

Dave :)
Hi Dave,

Red 5 is looking great :)

You will have to post up more pics in your prop room with your other ss models to show her final resting place.

Great stuff :thumbsup

Cheers Chris