While were waiting for the licenced prop replicas to appear, I thought I'd have a go at accurizing my Character Options sonic and laser screwdrivers
The sonic was rebuilt and painted completley. The main body has been replaced with aluminium tube and scaled down to be more in line with the original prop. While it no longer extends, I retained the sound and light effects, and added a larger push-button switch.
The laser screwdriver was a lot less work. I filled the sound holes and seams, added the activator pushbutton seen on the original prop, added the brass strip on the trigger and moved the incorrectly placed rivet details. I then repainted and weathered according to the pics of the original I took in Liverpool.
Hopefully will have pictures of my River Song sonic up soon :thumbsup
The sonic was rebuilt and painted completley. The main body has been replaced with aluminium tube and scaled down to be more in line with the original prop. While it no longer extends, I retained the sound and light effects, and added a larger push-button switch.
The laser screwdriver was a lot less work. I filled the sound holes and seams, added the activator pushbutton seen on the original prop, added the brass strip on the trigger and moved the incorrectly placed rivet details. I then repainted and weathered according to the pics of the original I took in Liverpool.
Hopefully will have pictures of my River Song sonic up soon :thumbsup