My quick and dirty PKE Meter for Halloween


Sr Member
After 10 years of Ghostbusting, I FINALLY decided to knock out a quick and dirty PKE Meter for Halloween this year. I borrowed a set of molds from Venkman71, not sure if Sean made it or if it's Volguus's old mold, and if it is... Ken my man, it's still kickin' out AWESOME pulls! I only had about 1 week to make this and with the Mattel PKE coming out as well as my time limit, I didn't see the point in buying a light kit, I also have NO clue about electronics, so setting up servos is not something I think I can tackle at the moment.

So I picked up a really cool miniature x-mas tree at Michael's that had high intensity White LEDs in it. I tore the sucker apart, looked at the wiring and broke out my old soldering iron and jumped right in. I was able to re-wire the LEDs without any major problems and set up the wing lights as well as a couple for the screen.

YouTube - utinni619's Channel

With my limited time, I went with the K.I.S.S. process- Keep It Simple Stupid. ... Yukf8PRQVE

YouTube - utinni619's Channel

The LED wires are a little too stiff so I've had problems with the wings going all the way back down without pushing them in. I know I'm missing some detail parts, and the screen kinda sucks but it'll work for 1 night!

YouTube - utinni619's Channel

- Jeff
Thanks guys!

how did you do the mechanism to move the wings?!
The 1st video kinda shows how I did it. I put a hook at the top point of the PKE then put pins in the wings, 1 to pivot and the other I attached those tiny strong rubberbands used for hair, that I stole from my GF :lol

I cut a channel in the handle of the PKE and ran a brass rod up to the rubberbands to pull them. Easy, simple and low tech!

- Jeff
I wasn't expecting anything nearly that nice. Well done!

I'm hoping I got one of the ones from Matty in Dec...