Well, I've had these for almost a year now, and decided to light them.
The pics came out kinda bad...I did use the red, yellow green side lights but in the pics they wash together.
In person you can make out the 3 colors.
I'm super pumped to have these, just couldn't afford to have them lit. So I thought I'd give it a whirl. I'll take better pics later.
Thanks to Markpoon for making the shoes, and Jedifyfe for that diagram he posted.
The pics came out kinda bad...I did use the red, yellow green side lights but in the pics they wash together.
In person you can make out the 3 colors.
I'm super pumped to have these, just couldn't afford to have them lit. So I thought I'd give it a whirl. I'll take better pics later.
Thanks to Markpoon for making the shoes, and Jedifyfe for that diagram he posted.
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