My Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files (V3 available in post #1 now!)


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Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

Alright everyone. Here is the first true iteration of my work. I only have the faceplate right now, but I should have the rest of the helmet/suit before too long

This may require a tiny bit of clean up work, but not any more than any other 3d printed part I'd assume.

I don't have a 3d printer (yet) so if you print the model out let me know! I can split up the model into top and bottom too if need be.

Here is the STL file for download

Faceplate3dprintablefinal - Download - 4shared - Bob Lazar

And a quick render of the faceplate on my yet to be finished helmet inside of Tony's shop :)

and a render of the exact STL file you are getting

I'll post more updates as they happen
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

Wow - thanks!
If I get time next week I may feed the .stl to the printer at work, and see how it prints.

Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

It seems there is some distortion on the mesh if you want i can take a look and fix it
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

Progress on the jaw today

- - - Updated - - -

It seems there is some distortion on the mesh if you want i can take a look and fix it

Absolutely! There is indeed some small distortion from being upscaled from the pep, but I don't think it would cause problems printing. If you want I can PM you with the files. All of my editing is done in 3ds Max 2013.
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

This looks great man! THANKS!!!
I am planning on printing this, just need to be sure of how to scale it properly. :)
any tip?

Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

This looks great man! THANKS!!!
I am planning on printing this, just need to be sure of how to scale it properly. :)
any tip?


What I did was measure my head's diameter with a tape measure (25"), then I created a ball in 3ds MAX of that size, and fit the helmet around it. So if you have modeling software you could try that! If not, maybe I can make some different scales for common head sizes. That'll probably happen once the helmet is finished.
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

What I did was measure my head's diameter with a tape measure (25"), then I created a ball in 3ds MAX of that size, and fit the helmet around it. So if you have modeling software you could try that! If not, maybe I can make some different scales for common head sizes. That'll probably happen once the helmet is finished.

Thanks for the advice drumguy560! I will give it a try to the ball thing, great idea!

Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

hey great work on pepping the file..but did u run it thru netfabb ? it saying the file has a problem like its not 3d printable yet
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

hey great work on pepping the file..but did u run it thru netfabb ? it saying the file has a problem like its not 3d printable yet

Yes I ran it through netfabb and repaired it. I was able to slice it fine with KISS. you may try printing it with that!
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

Well you can pm me the 3ds files and ill fix the distorsions
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

Hi there everyone!!!! This is my first constructive post here, and let me say that this forum is absolutely amazing! I currently am in the process of pepping my first Iron Man Mark III suit starting with the helmet. It's coming out ok, but as all of you know, pepping can be an arduous process (especially when the pep file you got isn't as great as you had hoped!!)

I therefore set out to figure out a different approach.

I have yet to see a GOOD helmet file that is available for 3d printing, so I decided to take the task upon myself.

The absolute BEST pep helmet file I have ever seen is Zabana's "helmet v4.0" It legitimately looks exactly like the movie version.

This helmet seems pretty tough to pep, due to its relatively high poly count (although I will be trying), so I decided to use that as a baseline for a 3D printed Mark III helm

The thread to go to for his pep files is

I have gotten his permission to post these files, and Zabana or moderators, if this post is out of line let me know!

Continued in next post!

Good job :thumbsup
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

more work on the jaw tonight. Just about there. Just need a little bit more cleaning up for printing purposes. Haven't started on the helmet yet. It has no depth to it, just thought it'd look pretty with the jaw and faceplate.


looks like we're getting there huh?!?!

Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

the helmet is almost finished! All I have left to do is add the screws on the back of the helmet!

on another note, who would be interested in the inside of the helmet looking the way Iron Man's helmet is supposed to look? I mean with all of the electronics and what not. It would take away some of the space in the helmet, but it would really add to the realism! I'm contemplating modeling this into the faceplate I have. Something kind of like this!

Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files


I will try to print it in my ultimaker as soon as you release all the files! I will give feedback, of course! :) This will need careful planning, of course, I have never printed something so big

The inside of the helmet isn't necessary for me, I think that's more interesting if you don't want to wear the helmet as a costume, but to have it on display... anyway I'm sure there will be people interested in it.
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files


I will try to print it in my ultimaker as soon as you release all the files! I will give feedback, of course! :) This will need careful planning, of course, I have never printed something so big

The inside of the helmet isn't necessary for me, I think that's more interesting if you don't want to wear the helmet as a costume, but to have it on display... anyway I'm sure there will be people interested in it.

Awesome! I look forward to seeing it!
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

Alright everyone, before you download these files PLEASE READ THIS!!!!

I am not a professional in 3d modeling (and certainly haven't ever claimed to be!). That being said, there are some slight geometrical deformities in these files. That also being said, I don't think they are bad enough to cause problems 3d printing, aka, nothing a little bondo and sandpaper can't fix!

These files are free to do whatever on earth you want with. Edit them, cast them and sell them for a billion dollars, download them and paste them all over the internet and say that you were the sole mind behind them, I really don't care!!!

The only thing I ask is that if you print one of these helmets and make a cast of it, I'd sure like to have one for a discounted price!

Next, I DO NOT OWN A 3D PRINTER! I am very new to 3d printing and 3d modeling in general. That being said, there is no guarantee that these will work on any 3d printer in the world. I think they will, and I have used KISSSlicer to slice for the Ultimaker. I recommend that program due to its efficiency and ease of use.

Well, enough gushing. HERE YOU GO!!!! ENJOY!

and what the actual STL looks like all put together, you can see the details on the mouth better. Part of the mouth is courtesy of Kenlandrum.

and here are the STL files, you will need to re-orient/split/add support structures yourselves, as I cannot possibly do that for every printer!

IRONMANMARKIIIEARV1 - Download - 4shared - D H

IRONMANMARKIIIFACEPLATEV1 (repaired) - Download - 4shared - D H

IRONMANMARKIIIHELMETBACKV1 (repaired) - Download - 4shared - D H

IRONMANMARKIIIJAWV1 (repaired) - Download - 4shared - D H

Also if you end up printing these, again I ask that you share a picture!

I also recommend that you scale one of these down for printing significantly smaller, like the size of your hand before committing to the full print!

The files are scaled to fit my head which is awfully big at 25" diameter, but it's made to fit with not much space anywhere. So it should fit around just about anyone's head!

and once again THANK YOU TO THIS FORUM!
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

I can't thank you enough for your work!

I'm determined to print this, so I will review the files and I can make you several suggestions or upload new files for your revision.

I already took a look at the faceplate and indeed there were several problems with it, but all those problems can be automatically repaired (with netfabb for example) so it isn't a problem at all.

The main problem to print this is the size of the model, it's too big for a "home printer". Even in a professional printer the helmet may need to be printed in several parts. Also the number of polygons is very high, my computer froze trying to slice the entire faceplate, but that was before I did the automatic repair with netfabb so maybe it was that...

Also, due to the size of the parts, they take many hours to print, this last Saturday I tried to print 1/4 of the faceplate (the right cheek, from the chin to the eye) and left my printer unattended... I came home to a clogged extruder and a piece only half printed

2013-09-15 02.50.27.jpg

I placed the part horizontally, so the ratio between support structure and actual print was pretty bad... next time I will try to print the faceplate in vertical, even if I have to divide it vertically in several places, this will help if one or two parts have a problem, so I won't have to reprint a big part.

And about the size of your helmet, as you said, it is very big! :lol

I wasn't sure if you did the part using metric or imperial measurements, now it's clear you used inches. Now that I can measure the helmet I will see what scale I need, but I was using a x20 scale to get the dimension I wanted for the faceplate. If you used inches that would mean a x25.4 instead a x20!! :lol

As I said, this is an excellent work, I will try to print it and report any problem so you can make it even better :)

EDIT: Also, for the moment I only can print in PLA, but I'm in the middle of upgrading my Ultimaker to print ABS, and I already have a spool of red ABS... I think I will print the helmet with that :lol

EDIT2: I'm very new to prop building, I'm just finishing my first pepakura helmet, but if I do a casting, you can count on getting a copy from me, but I can't promise the quality you see in other peoples builds :lol
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Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files

I can't thank you enough for your work!

I'm determined to print this, so I will review the files and I can make you several suggestions or upload new files for your revision.

I already took a look at the faceplate and indeed there were several problems with it, but all those problems can be automatically repaired (with netfabb for example) so it isn't a problem at all.

The main problem to print this is the size of the model, it's too big for a "home printer". Even in a professional printer the helmet may need to be printed in several parts. Also the number of polygons is very high, my computer froze trying to slice the entire faceplate, but that was before I did the automatic repair with netfabb so maybe it was that...

Also, due to the size of the parts, they take many hours to print, this last Saturday I tried to print 1/4 of the faceplate (the right cheek, from the chin to the eye) and left my printer unattended... I came home to a clogged extruder and a piece only half printed

View attachment 232652

I placed the part horizontally, so the ratio between support structure and actual print was pretty bad... next time I will try to print the faceplate in vertical, even if I have to divide it vertically in several places, this will help if one or two parts have a problem, so I won't have to reprint a big part.

And about the size of your helmet, as you said, it is very big! :lol

I wasn't sure if you did the part using metric or imperial measurements, now it's clear you used inches. Now that I can measure the helmet I will see what scale I need, but I was using a x20 scale to get the dimension I wanted for the faceplate. If you used inches that would mean a x25.4 instead a x20!! :lol

As I said, this is an excellent work, I will try to print it and report any problem so you can make it even better :)

EDIT: Also, for the moment I only can print in PLA, but I'm in the middle of upgrading my Ultimaker to print ABS, and I already have a spool of red ABS... I think I will print the helmet with that :lol

EDIT2: I'm very new to prop building, I'm just finishing my first pepakura helmet, but if I do a casting, you can count on getting a copy from me, but I can't promise the quality you see in other peoples builds :lol
View attachment 232656

SWEET! Thanks Ballanux! Although that print stopped and the extruder clogged, this all actually looks quite promising. It looks like the lines on the faceplate are very sharp and the curves are right. Do you have access to netfabb pro? Because I've only been using basic and there are a lot of repair features unavailable in the edition.

But yeah! Good job! Like i said before, maybe you should try a PLA print with the helmet at about 1/4 scale? just to see how things print out? and then you probably would not need all that much support structure either!

Good to hear from you! Keep me in the loop!
Re: Iron Man Mark III Helmet 3d Print Files


I loaded the repaired faceplate file into my printer, and it said it would take less than 2 min to print (my printer ain't that fast). So then I loaded it into STL viewer and the height of the faceplate is just over 9mm?

Am I doing something wrong here, or are the files off? If I get some time today, I'm going to load the STL into solid works and see what I see.

