My Groot for 2015 aaand past builds.....


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am a little scared to post on here because there is just so much darned talent, so please have mercy on me.

I am starting early this year, and by early I mean now, on building a new costume. I would truly love some suggestions and help throughout this process as I love building I still need lots of help!!


I am starting with what NOT to do. I made 2 different masks templates before finally settling on a third. I am still contemplating re doing it one more time, but I have put a lot of work in thus far and don't want to go backwards:

Attempt #1 - please feel free to insult at will :)

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Ugg. What was I thinking. I wish I had talent!

Okay now you can see attempt #2, which is sitting next to Attempt #1 after some plastic surgery on his chin.

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I did a free hand sketch that I thought would translate well to the costume but I don't think it did. Awful!! I free hand sketched the chest and abdomen plates, but honestly I think they are too small.

So what to do now? No talent? No abilities? TRACE! I set up my project at school (I am a teacher) and sketched it one day after school (not on school time!) and transferred his face to EVA foam. I think the result is much better. Especially when you take my lack of art skills out of the equation. :(

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Now I heated the foam in my oven and started shaping. And then used a heat crafting tool to make the lines.

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Next up is the chest plates:

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I then took a scrap piece of foam, and added the "wood" details and experimented with some spray paint colors and added a little moss to see how it would look. Please, ANY criticism is welcome...but take it easy on me...I'm a cryer.

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Well, there you have it. And please, could anyone help point me towards the following:

1. The best way to make a cast of my entire head. Explained as if you are talking to some who isn't smart...I mean really really not smart....(Thats me!)

2. An explanation to what a "morph suit" is

3. Someone who will politely tell me how good I am at building costumes! :D
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