My First Bio

A Hunters Moon

New Member
Picked this up from the bay. It's meant to be a wall plaque really. I'm on a limited budget but I'm fairly happy with it. It's a bit on the small side measuring around 11 X 8 and it cost 34 bucks shipped. I'm going to try to put lenses in it and possibly leds for a better look. What do you guys think?


I think it's a start but I've got the feeling it won't keep me from spending some extra cash for a real one. lol
The funny thing is I ended up doing the same thing. Found that exact Mask for cheap off of a site, recieved it and found it was to small and ended spending $150 for a full sized bio.
I picked it up from ebay. There are several people selling this mask. I went with someone named chitown goods. It was packaged very well and ran me $24 for the mask and $10 for shipping.
Go to they have it there and the AVP extending spear (kinda cheap made) but it is razor sharp all metal and can be built up on with some resins and leathers leds and such they also have the cheaper shurikan with razor sharp blade tips but the rest is polystone
just searh for Predator and it should show all these
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