My first attempt - Phaser rifle


New Member
I recently stumbled across a template for the type three phaser rifle from star trek, and after going through a few forums including this one looking what others have made, I have decided as a person who has only ever done basic woodwork in the early years of secondary school, to attempt to build the rifle.

I am hoping to use this thread as an on going sort of blog for this project, unfortunately before I have even begun I am stuck. The template I am using is a copy of a starfleet weapons manual re-sized by some one from another forum.

The measurements given: "Overall it's 26.5 inches long. The base is a 2x4 and the head is basically a 4x4 and the handles are 2x2's. Not sure if it exact but it's close." I am a bit confused, as the printed version of the templates measures 27.5 inches and I have no idea what 4x4 is in terms of what type of measurement it is.

Any help that can get me past staring at these and scratching my head would be greatly appreciated.