My fallout 3 laser pistol


New Member
Howdy, me again. I was inspired by Volpins epic laser rifle build he did (

so I thought i'd try my pikey approach at making a fallout 3 inspired laser pistol, as with my alien box minus the cost of paint and glue this cost me nowt. As before I am still learning so any hints/tips would be greatly appreciated :D.



As you can see, it is a 1:1 scale :D
That thread inspired me too but that as far as i got :lol

Construction looks good you just need to spend a litle more time with sanding the rough edges here and there and you will find the extra time will bring great dividends.

I thought the pikey approach meant that you nicked it :lol
lol no no, not got that bad

though some of the parts were..."borrowed" from where i work.:angel

Thanks again though, i know you gave tips on my other freebie project and i appreciate any comments on things i may have over looked :)
I think overall you've managed to do a good job here.

However i do agree with Tango - A little more time spent over generally sharpening up the lines and details would really bring something like the pistol to life.

What kind of base materials and parts did you put this together with??
a square piece of timber i found around the house,
from work: some ally bar cut to shape, a pizo buzzer (for the front), some other bits of wood (grip and muzzle shroud) a felt tip pen and part of a plastic volumetric flask (for the bottom), polystyrene for the base and a specimen tube and wire for the weird greeblie at the top.



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So you live in a caravan then :lol

yep build up looks good , you will soon have a box full of junk and found ods n ends like the rest of us and be diving in skips !! AKA skip surfing or dumpster diving for the colonials here :lol
Looks good. Go back and block sand it to square up the corners, then repaint and it would really real it up.
Scrap gun, nice!

I think with some putty and a little bit of time sanding you can really refine the piece. Maybe make a V2 - I had to do the same thing after making my laser rifle.

Definitely a great start, and the materials you nicked to build it are a nice touch.
Nice work.

Others are right about sanding.
Maybe you wanted to make it look a bit used though, i don't know, didn't played Fallout 3 yet...

I loved the Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics and i plan to build a few props this summer, but my computer can't repel the energy of Fallout 3...

But. If you really want to make props in quality that would be count for "Screen Use" and they will look like professional work, you have to spent many, many, MANY time sanding. Its depressing, i know...
You will learn to see it as fun after a month or so.
Or you will buy the machines to do the jobs for you. :cool

Personally, i have very limited money. So i have only my Dremel, my drill (not a drill press) and my hand tools.

The most important thing, is to have imagination. Something you have. f you visualize the thing you want build and also visualize the most good way to build it, it only a matter of time to make your idea real.
Also, is very important to look at what you have in matters of materials and parts and visualize again what you can make with them.
Same goes when dumpster diving. See what you can do with the parts, and take those that are useful to you. Many cool stuff can be obtained buy means of dumpster diving.


The only limits are set by your imagination.

If you need or want to ask anything now or in the future, feel free to sent me a pm, anytime.