My daughter (almost 3 years old) watching STAR WARS for the first time...

Cool moment when she pointed out to the statue :lol.

Brad, I have seen some pics of your BTTF prop replicas displayed in the past, but it was great to see that whole room with the various prop replicas displayed all around.
Uh oh...she looks like she's hooked. I think we just witnessed the birth of another Star Wars fan in that video.

That was seriously adorable though.

You're clearly bringing her up not showing her the prequels first. :p

Thanks everyone. I also have a 18 month old son (Harrison) that will soon want to wathc them also. My dauther Isabella LOVES princess movies so she actually made it through 90% of Star Wars....I love it!!!
When she's in her teens and bringing home some skanky boy, you'll need to make a fist and tell her "You don't know the POWER of the dark side of a father!"

She'll probably laugh, knowing where it's from, but you can at least try it. :lol
Yeah, every time we say 'I love you' to him her answers 'I know'. I've never been more proud.

He's seen all 6 of the SW movies and the Clone Wars at least 20-30 times each. Good times.
James, that's really awesome!

I got a kid on the way too and plan on starting on the Star Wars early as well.

When I was 2 I remembered my Dad taking me to see Empire Strikes Back, so I am living proof you can get hooked at a very early age.

Especially love the 6-month old video of him wielding his first lightsaber, hahahah! So cool! Congrats! Hopefully my kid will love Star Wars.
Thanks again everyone.

Dennis, at least I'm not showing her Star Trek.. ;)

She asked me today to watch "Princess Leia"...too cool!
That's cute! We've been working on my 3yo. niece to get her to watch them. She also loves the Disney princesses so we've been playing up that there's a princess in them. She said "Does she have a gun?" and was excited that she does. She knows Yoda and Ewoks, but that's about it.