My custom-embroidered San Fransokyo Ninja baseball cap (Big Hero 6)


Longtime lurker, but I finally have something to show y'all.

From the first moment I laid eyes on Tadashi's cap in Big Hero 6, I wanted one. Every time the cap was on screen, I studied it and tried to memorize how it went. Eventually, I found blurry reference online and used it to build a vector file of the logo.

One digital embroidery setup and trip to the embroiderer later, and I have this:

Dang, dude, I'm jealous! I was in the same boat; I really dug the hat from the first time I saw it. Can you give a little insight into how/where you got it custom embroidered? And would you be at all open to sharing the original vector file?
Longtime lurker, but I finally have something to show y'all.

From the first moment I laid eyes on Tadashi's cap in Big Hero 6, I wanted one. Every time the cap was on screen, I studied it and tried to memorize how it went. Eventually, I found blurry reference online and used it to build a vector file of the logo.

One digital embroidery setup and trip to the embroiderer later, and I have this:

View attachment 406457

Can I request a copy of the graphic. I really want to have one made.
Seconded!! I happen to be looking for a way to get a San Fransokyo hat for a gift! Can you let us know how you did it/ give us the tools to do so?
A lot of you have contacted me for more information about this. I'm not ignoring you. I'm just knee deep in PhD applications, grading, and paper writing. I'll get back to all of you during this week's break.

Sorry about the delay, all. Life intervened in sharing this with all of you. Here is the embroidery file for all those that want it:

All I'm asking is that anyone making these post photos of the finished hats here and please not sell them. Please be aware that on some embroidery machines, there is a strange "jump" while doing the black outline on the right side of the N, so watch for that and warn your embroiderer. I have been using FlexFit "Homerun" caps for these and have gotten incredible results. I also ended up reversing the colors on most of my hats so that the SF is orange and the N is gold. That's accurate to the movie, while the original setup (gold SF, orange N) are accurate to the ancillary print media.
Around here, most LIDS/Hat Shack locations in the malls, have an embroidery set up & also sell this brand of hat. Not sure of the ability of the employee to do quality embroidery, but if they constantly do the custom work they claim to, they would probably be our best bet.
Oh, I may have to see if I can get this done. I love the hat. Great work man!

Around here, most LIDS/Hat Shack locations in the malls, have an embroidery set up & also sell this brand of hat. Not sure of the ability of the employee to do quality embroidery, but if they constantly do the custom work they claim to, they would probably be our best bet.

I have been getting mine done at LIDS here locally. You do have to be careful / get lucky to find someone who really knows how to use the machine and who actually cares about the results. I had a few made in Kentucky and Colorado that just didn't turn out nearly as nice as the ones I had made here in South Carolina. The file is top notch and can​ give great results, but the embroiderer has to care.