My 1:32 scale Star Trek shuttlecraft


Master Member
Not calling it The Galileo, because I’m thinking about making it The Einstein instead.

I’m not looking for screen accurate, as I’m going to go for a color scheme that I like.

Here’s a work in progress so far.

I have three nano LED’s on the right side of the column, but the camera is capturing one light, which is sad as they are green, purple and blue from top to bottom.

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And a dry fit of the side wall. Mixed green with silver to get the color. I always think I’m out of silver for some reason when I go to buy paint, so now I have a half dozen bottles!

And why is Sulu in the back and not flying the shuttle instead of Checkov? Because George Takei is always blasting Shatner, so he’s in the back! :lol:

Awesome paint job on the figures! I could have recognized Spock, McCoy, and Uhuru, right off the bat without you even giving me a hint. Kirk would have been a 50/50 (Hair is a shade too dark) ;) You should have put a rip in his shirt, then it would have been a dead give-away. :p

Colors match perfect! I would have used a bit more matt for the shirts, but you have a glorious shine going on at boot level. Starfleet academy trainers would be bursting with pride. :lol:
Awesome paint job on the figures! I could have recognized Spock, McCoy, and Uhuru, right off the bat without you even giving me a hint. Kirk would have been a 50/50 (Hair is a shade too dark) ;) You should have put a rip in his shirt, then it would have been a dead give-away. :p

Colors match perfect! I would have used a bit more matt for the shirts, but you have a glorious shine going on at boot level. Starfleet academy trainers would be bursting with pride. :lol:
True about the brown hair, but now that Testors is $3.49 a bottle, he takes what I have!
I love it! My only comment is to put a matte coat on the uniforms, they look way too shiny for my eye. But other than that I love everything you're doing here.

Me too. My worry for you would be once it is closed up, and the instruments are on, you will likely get a more concentrated glare from the uniforms. A coat of clear matte should do the trick and then there is no need to buy a matte version in all the various colors.

The pants are spot on though... optically, I could swear you sewed a set from black cloth. and as I mentioned above, the shined boots go extremely well to that.