museum replicas anakin


Active Member
im kinda new to starwars cosplay/costuming and i was wonderin as a beginner if i should build my anakin ROTS costume ground up with help from sonofthesuns or buy the already made one, ive read that its like extremely crappy, also where tha heck can i get a good saber hilt, also any sites pictures or any help is definately welcome
That is one heck of a run-on sentence.

You'll likely be happier making one from the ground up, it'll fit you better and possibly cheaper. Their boots look like they may be worthwhile, I haven't read of anyone crapping on those. Saber just depends on how much you want to spend. Keep checking the junkyard, you can find them quite often!
That is one heck of a run-on sentence.

You'll likely be happier making one from the ground up, it'll fit you better and possibly cheaper. Their boots look like they may be worthwhile, I haven't read of anyone crapping on those. Saber just depends on how much you want to spend. Keep checking the junkyard, you can find them quite often!
kool thanks, and yes i know its pretty long lol.
Check again, works fine for me.
the part that isnt working is the link where you go and it has the parts of the costume from ROTS, outer tunic etc, thats the only part im having trouble with, it comes up as a 404 error page, sigh, o whell
Oh boy... periods are your friend.

What kind of saber hilt are you looking for? I don't think it's released yet, but there are supposedly belt hangers coming out that are lighter than your standard saber.
the part that isnt working is the link where you go and it has the parts of the costume from ROTS, outer tunic etc, thats the only part im having trouble with, it comes up as a 404 error page, sigh, o whell

The site is a work in progress, as stated on the home page. All the info you're looking for can be found on the forum, which I linked you to in your other thread: