MST3K bots


Well-Known Member
so I know some folks out there have scrounged the original pieces and built themselves crow t robot, and tom servo from mystery science theater 3000. Has anyone with one considered casting the parts and offering the bots up as kits? I've been looking high and low to put a pair together for myself, and all I'm finding is threads that went dead in 01' at the latest. Is there interest? could this be done? am I jack@ss and missed something and its already being done? :lol if so please point me in the right direction. all I've found is some guy on ebay who charges exorbitant prices like 70 bucks for a cast of the original barrel body.
just silliness. can we make it affordable for the fans? I bring this to the Rpf, because if it can be done, it gets done here. pipe up if you can help out.

Here are my bots:
man those look great, I wish there was a more cost effective route. :) any chance of a deal on a pair? or maybe a trade for armor?
JoeCrow is definately the man when it comes to this. He was great to deal with when I put together mine a few years back.
Actually JoeCrow's parts seem rather flimsy and not well made. If you e-mail he'll send you a price list and he's really good.

I've made a Crow, but no Tom. Maybe later I can take a picture of him.
The few parts I did use from joe crow were perfectly fine. The barrel/engine combo is really great :)
Those look great, creamedgeezer. :thumbsup I need to redo mine as the paint has got a bit scuffed up. I'll have to be extra careful with my Servo, as he is signed by Kevin Murphy. :) Here's another link to botbuilding:


By the way, I backed my bowling pin with a couple of thin layers of fiberglass. Those e-pins are hard to come by and they tend to get brittle with age.
Ahh. Matt. I know you back when I was in middle school I think. I always dreamed of making my bots look as good as yours. Awesome to know that you come here to the RPF as well.

By the way, there is a yahoo bot building group that is VERY helpful. JoeCrow is there along with plenty of people always willing to help.