I traded a whole bunch of parts I had collected to the guy at the botcave.net about 6 years ago.
I recceived two somewhat poorly made bots.
So I tore'em apart and re-did a bunch
Rebuild and repaint of Botcave bots.
Neatly trimmed trains.
Chromed headers.
Neatly trimmed and painted arm sockets.
And repaint and rework of crow. Better controls.
New foam on arms.
I recceived two somewhat poorly made bots.
So I tore'em apart and re-did a bunch
Rebuild and repaint of Botcave bots.
Neatly trimmed trains.
Chromed headers.
Neatly trimmed and painted arm sockets.
And repaint and rework of crow. Better controls.
New foam on arms.