MR SW Blasters "Plumbing Joint Expanders" Discussion


Sr Member
Okay, I'm curious... I miss a lot on the forums these days but I am sure I didn't miss any major discovery about this, or did I?

I know this is old news but what is the scoop? Have the grill parts been identified as these? Has anyone done any research to verify MR's claims? The part isn't being pursued as engine part anymore? I hope I am not the only one wondering...

Enquiring minds want to know! ;)

edit: added text for clarity
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Master Replicas said:
The Han Solo DL-44 blaster prop used in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, was based on a firing antique German 7.63mm semi-automatic pistol. A custom rifle barrel attachment was added to the upper receiver and a conical MG81 booster-flash suppressor, taken from a WW 2 German aircraft, completed the otherworldly, futuristic look. A custom scope bracket was added to the right side of the gun body to house the sighting scope, and a plastic plumbing joint expander was glued to the magazine to make the gun's unique front grill.

Finally, a piece of T-track material was added aft of the flash suppressor with two small toggle switch details. These parts, clearly seen in early production photographs, later appear absent from the prop as filming progressed. In the interests of absolute authenticity we have provided both styles so you may choose how to display your Han Solo DL-44 blaster.

I'm wondering too.
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As far as I know the current owner of the original blaster prop
said he recognized the piece as a plumbing part. I have not seen any current pics of the prop to confirm what he has is the original or what state it's in. I've also never seen a plumbing part that looks like that.
Thanks, Chris. Yeah, I'm not sure about the idea of the part being a joint expander. The finned design doesn't seem like the best choice for something that would be used to enlarge the opening of a metal pipe. Maybe I am just not imagining how it would be used correctly...
As far as I know the current owner of the original blaster prop
said he recognized the piece as a plumbing part. I have not seen any current pics of the prop to confirm what he has is the original or what state it's in. I've also never seen a plumbing part that looks like that.

Who is the current owner rumored to be?
So I guess I'll have to start looking through plumbing stores, right after I find that fire extinguisher nozzel I've been looking for:lol
