MR Signature AT-AT's $999.99


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up for those of you with the big buck that Big Bad Toy Store is clearancing some stuff and they got the Signature AT-AT's for $999.99, they've also got FX sabers 25% off, most of which are $99.99 plus the additional 25%

Big Bad Toy Store is very reputable and does an excellent job, never had a problem with any orders.
I can attest to the quality of work that BBTS provides as well. Excellent service and products. Joel is awesome.
Originally posted by MegaPrime33@Jan 11 2006, 06:56 AM
I can attest to the quality of work that BBTS provides as well. Excellent service and products. Joel is awesome.

I second that. I've picked up a couple of Macross Valkyrie toys imported from Japan through BBTS. Excellent customer service.
It's good to hear that they're a reputable seller. I just ordered something from them today. :)
the at-ats appear to be 1329 not 999 , perhaps they put the price back up?,

on another note the finemolds falcon is at 179 if anyones interested

Originally posted by zorg@Jan 11 2006, 04:25 PM
on another note the finemolds falcon is at 179 if anyones interested


I noticed that too.