MR Falcon paint colours question


New Member
Hi folks. I'd like to do a partial repaint of my Master Replicas Falcon. I'm too scared and inexperienced to do a complete repaint, but I am hoping to fix up a few panels that were too heavily painted at the factory. I think a little change here and there will make a big difference. Can anyone tell me which paint brands and colours I should use to match the factory ones? I don't want to rethink their scheme, just do it a bit more subtly. Also any advice on spray guns would be very helpful. No brushes, right?

I've never done anything like this before, so a bit nervous! I appreciate any help you can offer.

Buy an airbrush and practice with it on a cheap model or sheet of styrene BEFORE you tackle the Falcon would be my advice. Iwata makes one the best (but perhaps not cheapest) airbrushes out there. There are also Badger airbrushes but they require much more maintenance and are more finnicky to work with than the Iwata ones.

As far as paint colours I believe Tamiya Deck Tan 50% mixed with Tamiya White 50% would be a close match to the base colour of the MR Falcon if you want to use acrylic paint. If you want to use enamels then I believe Floquil Reefer White is a close match. Of course you will have to do a little mixing to match the colour perfectly.
Thanks so much for the info Zenwalker. Very helpful. And smart-don't want to mess up my prized possession by messing up a first time paint job. I'll buy a little Revell kit and practice once I get my air brush!
Thanks so much for the info Zenwalker. Very helpful. And smart-don't want to mess up my prized possession by messing up a first time paint job. I'll buy a little Revell kit and practice once I get my air brush!

No problemo.