Modifying cc x-wing fuselage


Well-Known Member

I'm new to this modeling community, having just joined yesterday. I have always been impressed with the x-wing design because of its apparent fuctional mechanical structure balanced with its obvious fighter apperance. I plan to soon start working on an ss x-wing from captian cardboard. I am not an expert, but I have read a few posts and seen a comparion picture between a actual ss x-wing and the cc x-wing, explaining and showing how the cc x-wing has about a 20% narrower fuselage. I also read there are other x-wings based on the cc model that have corrected this issue, and I would like to buy one, but they seem to be out of production. Has anyone modified their cc fuselage to be more accurate for their build-up that can offer advice or knows where I can get some scaled drawings of an actual ss model to help me modify mine?

Yes. Unfinished, my CC stalled when the V3 came out, but I'll take some pics and post them for you - I built a new end plate and lower fuselage to correct the incorrect angles there. I decided there wasn't much that could be done about the forward and upper fuselage, though.

If you prefer to wait until you are able to view the Junkyard, you'll find the later kits come up for sale once in a while.

Welcome to the forum!
What he said! And yeah screw the cc and get yourself a v3 or I think frank still had some pyro castings a few weeks back in the JY.
Nwerke and jedimaster,
Thanks for your replies.

I look foward to Nwerke's pictures and any advice.

I still feel that the captain cardboard kit is a really well crafted and designed kit. It even seems some what historical, being, in my understanding, the first production studio scale kit. I have seen some unmodified build-ups of it, and it looks really impressive with a good paint job--I always liked the way the x-wings had that lived in, fresh from the battle field look that you see in pictures of WW2 aircraft.

From jedimaster's comments, I looked up the pyro kit and found pictures that were posted from Nwerke. I would love to get the different versions of the x-wing ss kits, as I am interested in building the different verions of the x-wings. If the V3 kit ever becomes available again or if the pyro kit is available, I would definitely get both of them.
