Modified Hasbro General Grievous blaster


Well-Known Member
Heres my my repainted and modified Hasbro General Grievous blaster.

I replaced the original LED with a 1w led star I got from china. I glued the LED and optics in a piece of MR FX lightsaber blade and then glued that to the bottom of the plastic light up part. I sanded the plastic part slightly to defuse the light better.

Then I painted it. I wanted it to have a used look so I painted it with a technique I've used before. I started with a matt black base coat, then went over it with a really thin coat of silver. I made sure not to put it on to heavy so that some of the black would still be seen. I then went over the silver with a thin coat of black, again making sure that some of the silver still came through. I then went over it again with silver and then with some more black. Next I dry brushed silver on parts to mimic the paint wearing away. I then gave the whole thing a matt clear coat. So here it is:






