Modern Warfare 2 - Questions / Comments


Master Member
I know its an older game now, but I dig it...


When in Special Ops, and I stick to the same Op repeatedly (like five to ten times through), TELL ME the friggin' machine doesn't get "smarter"!?

After about five times through, it gets tougher. Enemy grenades are more accurate and lethal, the enemy AI seems to pick up on my strategy (and defeat it) faster, etcetera.

This is not my imagination is it...? Can you defeat this?

Also, the static HUD showing remaining ammo is beginning to wreak mild havoc on my plasma. I can't find a way to turn off the HUD...

Can you turn it off?

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Spec Ops was a huge pain to beat, and yes they do get smarter the harder the difficulty is, it's a lot easier to play with another person. The only time the HUD is turned off is in multiplayer, on Hardcore mode. You playing this on xbox? I still play occasionally, it's a lot better than Whack ops, and since you can't play older COD titles anymore, due to hackers MW2 is a great filler.
Spec Ops was a huge pain to beat, and yes they do get smarter the harder the difficulty is, it's a lot easier to play with another person. The only time the HUD is turned off is in multiplayer, on Hardcore mode. You playing this on xbox? I still play occasionally, it's a lot better than Whack ops, and since you can't play older COD titles anymore, due to hackers MW2 is a great filler.

Yes - on XBOX 360. And I should note, my statement above applies to the Veteran level.

Here's an example:

On Homeland Security, I'll place an automated turret on a building roof. During the first two or three runs through the op, the enemy AI leaves the turret alone.

But after three or four runs, they discover the turret and swarm it (killing it of course) by about half way through the op.

This is consistent with each session of play - first few runs they ignore it; after 3 or 4, the regularly swarm the roof and kill it.

Hence is seems that the AI is somehow "remembering" either what was done in previous runs through the op, or at least counts the number of attempts through the same op, upping the difficulty after a certain number of tries.
I find that sometimes, on the first try if you get near the end and fail, the subsequent trys seem harder. Maybe it's just due to a.i enemies spawning in different places you don't expect?
Hey there sir, as a fellow who's played veteran mode on nearly every iteration of the Call of Duty series accomplishing this feat in specs ops requires a bit of patience and trial and error.

First thing you'll need to do is place the sentry gun at startup in the gas station near one of the windows facing the street and the second at your foxhole behind the counter at the diner facing the door. This sentry will provide excellent fire support against the AI infantry however it will have trouble attacking multiple targets within it's perimeter in later waves so be cautious. While the AI may seem as if it's adapting to your tactics it's actually a programmed behavior to attempt to disable sentries in the latter waves. Utilize cover at the counter and behind the trash bin located near the opening to the left while it's a solid defensible position with good lines of sight be aware to not stand idle firing for too long and duck frequently.

Enemies spawn at three general spots the bank to the left, Nate's and the taco place in the middle and Burger Town to the right, alternate between your M14 EBR and SCAR-H when necessary and burst fire to conserve ammunition and take advantage of the brief intermission between waves to place claymores at the front door. Once you've eliminated each wave of infantry then focus on getting rid of the APCs/Helicopters, there are plenty of RPGs, AT4s and that mean M240 on the counter to dispose of them.

If all those variables come together accordingly getting to that final wave should be considerably easier just keep your head on a swivel and take your time, anyways I hope that helps and if you need any advice on the other levels lemme know sir.
I love Spec Ops, I just wish I had some more people to play with. Anyone still playing this on PC?
Hey there sir, as a fellow who's played veteran mode on nearly every iteration of the Call of Duty series accomplishing this feat in specs ops requires a bit of patience and trial and error.

First thing you'll need to do is place the sentry gun at startup in the gas station near one of the windows facing the street and the second at your foxhole behind the counter at the diner facing the door. This sentry will provide excellent fire support against the AI infantry however it will have trouble attacking multiple targets within it's perimeter in later waves so be cautious. While the AI may seem as if it's adapting to your tactics it's actually a programmed behavior to attempt to disable sentries in the latter waves. Utilize cover at the counter and behind the trash bin located near the opening to the left while it's a solid defensible position with good lines of sight be aware to not stand idle firing for too long and duck frequently.

Enemies spawn at three general spots the bank to the left, Nate's and the taco place in the middle and Burger Town to the right, alternate between your M14 EBR and SCAR-H when necessary and burst fire to conserve ammunition and take advantage of the brief intermission between waves to place claymores at the front door. Once you've eliminated each wave of infantry then focus on getting rid of the APCs/Helicopters, there are plenty of RPGs, AT4s and that mean M240 on the counter to dispose of them.

If all those variables come together accordingly getting to that final wave should be considerably easier just keep your head on a swivel and take your time, anyways I hope that helps and if you need any advice on the other levels lemme know sir.

Nice detail! Makes me want to play right now! I use the SCAR, but am also partial to the Intervention, and the FAL.

I've also found that when camping out in the Taco Joint, they don't seem to enter the building itself. Maybe related to the fact that I have to belly-crawl to get in.
The Taco shack is the best spot on the level to bottleneck infantry, there is only one entrance and the AI isn't very bright about finding a way in, the only disadvantage is the inability to carry a rocket propelled grenade launcher along with your primary and secondary meaning if you need to dispatch the heavy armor at the end of the round you either have to Gump run it back to the diner without getting vaporized by predator missiles or bring one along with you and sacrifice the additional firepower.

Both positions are very versatile but are also frequently inundated with frag grenades which I imagine you are very familiar with by now. :lol

Anyways specs ops was a very entertaining experience in MW2 with a lot of variety but it felt quite short however I'm very excited about the many implementations and environments there incorporating into the MW3 edition. If they manage to tap the potential I saw with the last version in the new installment's co-op I'll probably be splitting my time on XBL between multiplayer and this.
I hear you about not being able to carry the RPG or other heavy hitters. Though with the Intervention, I can down the chopper with about 10-15 rounds.

Another drawback about the Taco Joint is it puts you a fair distance from the ammo box.
Yeah I usually wind up scavenging an enemy AK-47 at that location since ammunition for those is fairly plentiful, there literally stacks of them nearly the doors and windows if you position a sentry close by though ideally the diner while lacking sufficient fortification resupplying is far more convenient during the wave intermission since the ammo crate is right outside.

Both strategies fair well on solo but excel when paired up with a partner, provided you and your partner revive each other before the down counter hits zero you increase your odds for survival and on later Specs Ops missions on veteran it's essential to advance.

Just wait till you have to play High Explosive, that level nearly gave me an aneurysm.
Also, the static HUD showing remaining ammo is beginning to wreak mild havoc on my plasma. I can't find a way to turn off the HUD...

Can you turn it off?


Found my answer.

Under Options, there is no On/Off switch for the HUD, but there are controls for Vertical and Horizontal margins, which allows you to modify the placement of the display, thus varying it, and avoiding burn-in.

Also I guess some TVs have a "Game" mode which I have heard does this autoatically at a visually imperceptible level...
Yeah I usually wind up scavenging an enemy AK-47 at that location since ammunition for those is fairly plentiful, there literally stacks of them nearly the doors and windows if you position a sentry close by though ideally the diner while lacking sufficient fortification resupplying is far more convenient during the wave intermission since the ammo crate is right outside.

Both strategies fair well on solo but excel when paired up with a partner, provided you and your partner revive each other before the down counter hits zero you increase your odds for survival and on later Specs Ops missions on veteran it's essential to advance.

Just wait till you have to play High Explosive, that level nearly gave me an aneurysm.

Yesterday, (with my son's coaching!), I got down to one hostile left on Wave 5, plus the BTR, and then managed to blow myself up with a grenade! :angry
When I got my new computer about a year ago (hey, it's new to me, alright? I hadn't bought a new one in 7 years) it came pre-loaded with MW2 and Just Cause 2. I have thoroughly enjoyed Just Cause 2 (except for the flying with planes and the free-fall races...god they suck...).

MW2, though...I didn't really dig that much. Played the SP campaign and found it cheesy. Although the "Ramirez! Do everything!" meme was funny, and there were a few cool missions here and there.

Never got into the MP, but I did try the Spec Ops stuff solo.

Dude. Some of that stuff is friggin' HARD.

The one in Rio I never was any good at. Nor was I worth a crap at the stealth missions. My favorites were the one with Burger Town, and the one where you're on a roof and have to snipe guys.

Anyway, I'd be happy to team up with someone at some point just to mess around with these. But if you're playing alone, definitely keep something handy that will calm you down after you want to hurl your PC out the window.
Yesterday, (with my son's coaching!), I got down to one hostile left on Wave 5, plus the BTR, and then managed to blow myself up with a grenade! :angry
Yikes, if it's any small consolation I'm also no stranger to finding incredulous ways to snatch away certain victory, the important thing to remember in those instances is trying not to throw your controller at anything fragile or expensive.

Still I'm very delighted to hear you made it to the final wave which is already a benchmark of improvement, besides you have your son as a wingman providing the cliff notes so your set for next time.
Hoo-frickin'-rah! I finally beat the Spec Op (Homeland Security; Veteran; alone).

--I start out Wave 1 on top of the Burger Town with the sentry turret covering the roof access points, freeing me to snipe to my heart's content with the Intervention (I like the one-shot-one-kill!).

--Once done, I move the turret to the front corner of the Burger Town roof nearest the Taco Joint, surround it with claymores (8, at various locations), and haul ass over to the inside of the Taco Joint.

--In Wave 2 I try to draw the Predator early on, as between its hits, and the active sentry, I wipe out half the enemy in nothing flat; effective sniping and one or two more draws of the Predator gets me down to 5 left, which then converge on my location and are easy to nail

--A critical key to success in completing Wave 2 is ensuring the enemy AI doesn't kill the sentry turret

--For Wave 3, I hustle over to Nate's, get up to the roof, grab more claymores and the unused sentry, and get my butt back down; I plant the sentry in the area between the kitchen and the bar, and camp out in the brick "pantry" area adjacent to the door facing Burger Town;

--Judicious use of mines and effective weapons use (sniping with the Intervention, and close-quarters protection with the SCAR gets me down to the just the chopper

--Before killing the chopper, I draw the Predator, wait out its salvo, then haul ass over to the bank and grab the last sentry; drawing and waiting on the predator once more, I head out the back door of the bank, and back in the back door of Nate's; I place the sentry in the same place as before, and proceed to kill the chopper from behind the podium near the door facinng the bank

--Soon as the chopper goes down, I get up on the roof of Nate's, re-up my mines and my ammo at the ammo box, head back down to the brick pantry alcove, and essentially repeat Wave 3 for Wave 4

--Upon killing all the foot mobiles in Wave 4, I find an RPG, wait out the drone, get to the ammo box to load up the RPG, and take out the BTR with the RPG, usually from the front doors of Nate's

--Wave 5 is real similar to Waves 3 & 4, but remember - the turret on the Burger Town roof is still live, and seems most effective in this wave; once all the foot mobiles are down, I found killing the two choppers tough, since the pilots seem to fly "smarter" (higher - making it difficult to get the Intervetion's scope on them), but patience pays off and 12-15 rounds from the Intervention downs each chopper

--Oddly, the BTR in this wave is easier, at least if camped inside the front doors of Nate's, since he drives in closer to you; RPG takes him out nicely

Boom - you're done!